Luck Runs Out

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This was rushed. Excuse mistakes.

"The best offense is an even better defense. Boys, we won't stay down for long." Dad encourages.

Half time and we're in the locker room getting plenty of advice from my dad. Panthers have a good three touchdown lead. No idea how the hell that happened. With the winning streak we've been having, to fall behind like this dents our previous confidence.

"Coach, we ain't got no chance."

"Yes, we do, but not with attitudes rotten like yours, Yates." Dad says.

I feel their defeat in the air. Helmets off with sagging heads, slumped shoulders, bored eyes. They already think we've lost when we have a whole other half to play.

I cough and try to make my voice deep, "Guys, stop your bitching and play how you know." Austin would say something to that effect, right?

"Big Aus, its 35 to 14."

I shift my hips how I've seen Austin do, "24 points, easy. Come on, we kicked their ass once, we can do it again!"

Duke put his arm around my shoulder pads, an innocent move that boys do but my heart still began to race. "He's right. Remember the nice feeling of the win? The people out there, our friends, family, they want us to win. Even if we don't, we owe them a good game."

"One worth the six bucks they spent to see it." Cash laughed.

"So, can we do this?" I loudly ask.

They hoot their excitement.

"Really? Y'all sound like a bunch of girls." Duke taunts.

Again, the boys try.

"I can't hear you!" Dad mocks.

The yell they gave made me deaf. They as a group run ahead to the field, all going nuts with reinforced energy.

Dad, Duke and I lag behind.

"Do what you boys know best." Dad suggests

"Then that's win." I reply.

We made a near impossible comeback; we are tied at 42 points. Two minutes left, last quarter, thirty yards from the touchdown line.

I have one of two choices. Either stall and risk everything in overtime, or go for it. Seeing as the Panthers could have the ball and possibly score, is that a thing I want to hand them? Nope.

That leaves go for it. Somehow my brain registered all these small details in the span of three seconds.

I look to see if someone is open. Duke is being tailed, Cash isn't even available, and Ty went down. That means I have to.... damn.

I sigh then tuck the ball in my armpit. Jack and Jake, the left and right tackles, figure out my plan and lead my way.

A start off at a sprint.

Jack, bless him, saw a Panther I didn't. He took the tackle.

Twenty yards and Jake has to slide under a Panther who got too close.

Both my shields are long gone, its all on me. The crowd watch me on their feet, my teammates pause to stare. Everything but the Panthers stop moving.

I breathe tiredly, pumping my legs and working through the pain. Then I see him.

Panther 76.

Blood rushes to my head and I feel dizzy. The sight of him makes me want to throw the ball and call a quiets.

But no. I have too much riding on this, too many people with hope counting on me.

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