Ass Kickin', Steak & Dancing

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   Austin tackles Connor to the dirt floor then slides onto his waist and repeatedly punches him in his disturbed face. The force of each hit makes a sickening sound and Connor wiggles in pain.

   I tremble as I recall the look of sheer madness in Connor's hazel eye, his hatred for me clear. He would've inflicted more damage had Austin not shown up when he did. Lord, that boy was crazier than the loonies down at St. Mary's, a hospital for the legally insane.

   Cash comes to me and whips the spit off with his shirt. "Ouch."

   "How is it?"

   "Red, really red. I swear, Ima kill him."

   I whimper to express my internal sorrow. My face must be horrible to look at, ladies worst nightmare. That is the absolutely last thing I'd want happen to me.

   Cash helps me stand on my weak legs and I go to Austin. I place a hand on his back, "Austin, please, stop."

   His raging brown eyes meet my blue ones, then move to my cheek. With one final punch Austin gets to his feet.

   "Touch her, fucking look at her, and I will beat you. Next time I wont stop until your heart does." For good measure, Austin spits in Connor's swollen face.

   With the support of Austin and Cash, we make our way to Austin's truck and I lean on his old pick-up. Wanting to see the damage on my stomach, I rip the small hole on my dress caused by Connors shoe.

   It's already a deep purple, not to mention the constant aching. Another second of staring at my deformed tummy and my insides are now outside. Austin holds my hair back while I puke.

   When I'm done Austins eyes bulge, "He's fucking dead! D'ya hear me, Avery? Dead!"

   Cash gets ready to find Connor himself, his gaze roaming the lot trying to find Connor's head.

   "No." I whisper, wiping throw-up off my chin.

   "Now is not the time to be nice." Austin said, breathing heavily.

   "I'm not, Austin. Think about it, his father will push law suites at you two. Say goodbye to college." I say, knowing it would work. Low blow but an effective one. College were these boys' soul hope of doing anything beyond Stonehenge.

   Austin took a second to ponder it, "Fine."

   "But Austin, we cant-" Cash began, he obviously craves blood.

   "We can and we will. Lets go, Avery needs ice. And a mint." Austin got in his truck and slams the door.

   I keep extra clothes in Austins car, my car, Ivy's car. You never know when you'll need a clean shirt, it's plan B in case outfit number one didn't work.

   Austin and Cash wait in the bed of the truck so I can change into a simple tank top and shorts. I left my wedges on as I don't keep shoes laying around but after this, I will.

   Fully clothed, we enter the Smokehouse and there's a large table where the football players and cheerleaders sit, all wearing their Sunday best. My typical crowd.

   Austin beckons a waitress and murmurs something in her ear, she giggles then leaves briefly. In her return she gives me two ice packs and a first aid kit. I put one ice pack on my cheek while the other goes to beneath my shirt.

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