Homecoming Week

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Definitely not my best. But I really wanted to update.

Sorry if its not what you expected, but the next chapter will be tons better!

Also, special shoutout to @Covermakerx_ for not only this cover, but also for The 12 Elementals and Never Had a Chance.

I mean, come on guys, dont tell me youdont love them!!




Monday- Famous People/Couples

This weekend had been the best of my life, spent with Duke, my newfound boyfriend. When I told my parents of our relationship, Mother left the room in a rush. Dad smiled kindly and advisedme to not let this affect the team and to be happy. Grandpa was estatic that I finally "got outta that lonely single life."

It's Monday, first day of homecoming week. Duke and I choose all of our outfits the day before, prepared the clothes and everything. I can't wait to see my peers and what they dressed as.

Duke greets me with a kiss on the cheek, "You look adorable."

"You also." I playfully pinch his nose.

We're Cinderella and Prince Charming. I got a short blue dress, clear white heels, and did my hair in a high bun. Duke actually bought a Prince Charming costume and my, my it looks good.

"Let's find the others." I suggest. As we link hands and walk the halls, I stare in amusement at the students of Stonehenge. There are Mario and Luigis, an Elsa, Beyonce, Tom and Jerry, Batmans, Star Troopers, Supermans, there was even a group of Freshmen who were the Beach Boys.

When I spot Ivy and Austin, I began laughing, "Whose idea?" I gasp.

Austin smirks, "Mine."

They're Kim Kardashain and Jay Z. Ivy wears a tight Leopard print cocktail dress with leather boots and her hair is in wild curls. Austin has expensive glasses, a scarf, jacket, fancy red button up, ripped jeans and boots. They were interesting to watch.

"I wanted Marilyn Monroe and Kenndy." Ivy files her nails, annoyance reflect in her eyes.

"That's lame. Have you seen Cash?" Austin says, a suspicious look about his features.


Right then, I hear loud music and people laughing. I turn and watch as Cash swaggers to us.

"Johnny Bravo?" Duke questions.

"Yeah. How do I look?" Cash gives a little spin. He wears black sunglasses, a black shirt, dark jeans and black shoes. His blonde hair is sticking up and I see a comb and hair spray in his back pocket.

"Impressive." I grin.

He shots finger guns at me, "Y'know it, pretty momma." He then played Elvis music and struts to the bathroom.

"And guess what!" Ivy glows.

I smile, "What?"

"I got nominated for homecoming princess And Austin as price!" Ivy said, jumping up and down. Titles mean more to Ivy and I. So to have the title of homecoming royalty would be like retaking our popularity. In our school, homecoming is ranked by the following; Freshmen are Dukes, Sophmores are Lords and Ladies, Juniors are Prince and Princesses and the Seniors get Kings and Queens.

"Got my vote." I said and Duke nods. "Who's running aganist you?"

"Hailey." Ivys face sours, "And Cara Neely. For prince its Austin, Julian and Jessie."

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