Chapter 22

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"So, did I let you down?" Theo asks once we're back in the truck. He fastens his seatbelt and puts the keys in the ignition.

I lean forward to place the paper bag of individually boxed pie slices on the truck floor. I take my time sitting back in my seat, then look over at him, and answer begrudgingly, "That was the best lasagna I've ever had."

Theo's face scrunches up with a proud smile. "I told you I wouldn't disappoint ya."

I roll my eyes at him while he starts the truck. "Fuck, it's not like you made it. I don't know what you're so proud of."

He chuckles and looks over at me, while his hand holds the gear shift.

"What?" I peer out my window to look in the side mirror, wondering if I have sauce on my face.


I start to shake my head with annoyance, but then think better of it. I guess if I had been in a severe car accident, I would be anal about seatbelt use too.

I click the seatbelt into place. "Happy?"

"Yup." He puts the truck in reverse and backs out of the parking spot.

"This is where you tell me a seatbelt saved your life, right?"

He's quiet for a beat too long before he nods. "Yup."

Fuck, Emilia. Leave the poor guy alone. He obviously doesn't want to talk about it.

"Who's Megan?"

I might be nice enough to leave the car accident subject alone, but I can't completely shut down my curiosity.

Theo doesn't seem upset by the question. "She's a friend," he answers simply, like he's telling me what the weather is like.

"Just a friend?" I pry, "Not a girlfriend?"

"She is a woman. She is my friend." He shrugs his shoulders, then looks over at me, "Why do you ask?"

I copy his shrug. "Just wondering. Ruthie seemed surprised that you were with me and not Megan. I don't need to be worried about some bitch getting all territorial because her good dick boyfriend took me out for dinner, do I?"

Theo blows out air with a quiet laugh when I say "good dick", then shakes his head. "Nope. She's not a bitch, and like I said, not my girlfriend."


Theo gives me a puzzled look, and I quickly continue. "Good thing she's not a bitch. I don't have the patience to explain to her how she doesn't have to worry about me, since I really don't even like you."

"Ahh yes. That would be a lot of effort on your part to explain just how much you can't stand me."

"I'm glad you understand."

Theo snickers and winks at me, but doesn't verbally reply.

Fucking Ruthie, telling him how charming he is, as if the guy wasn't full of himself enough already.

I mean, she's not wrong. Once Theo stops scowling and starts smiling, he does have a certain warmth to him that could draw in even the coldest of hearts. If he kept his big mouth shut, and let me cut his beard, I'd probably climb on top of him and take him for a spin.

At least, I would have a couple of weeks ago...

Things are different now. I'm different.

They say the best thing to do when you get thrown off a horse is to get back on again. But what about when the horse throws you off and then tramples you? Why isn't there a stupid saying for that scenario?

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