Chapter 44

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I don't wake up to Theo's alarm screaming nearby. Instead, after I open my eyes, I hear it faintly in the distance.

I shift in Theo's arms and stretch out my body.

My movement causes him to stir. He tightens his hold on me as the soft noise from his phone in the other room comes to an end.

"Theo," I mumble in a sleepy voice. "Your alarm is going off somewhere. I'm not sure how many times it's already gone off." Who knows how long we've both been sleeping through it.

He replies with an uncommitted grunt and presses his face into the back of my neck. I'm not sure if he's even awake.

"Theo," I try again, "Did you hear me?"

"Mmmph," he answers but I'm not sure if it's a real answer or a sound that he's making in his sleep.

I shift in his arms again, preparing myself to roll over to get a look at him, but that's when I feel his scratchy beard move against my neck. It's followed by the warm feeling of lips behind my ear. They press just behind my earlobe, then move down the side of my neck.

A soft gasp falls from my mouth, and Theo's lips stop moving. They remain against my skin for a brief moment before moving away.

"Shit," he mutters, and now it's obvious that he's awake. "I'm sorry, Milia. I... I didn't mean to."

I roll over in his arms to face him which brings my face within inches of his. I stare into his earthy-brown eyes. They gaze back at me with a conflicted expression.

My eyes move down to his full lips, and the tip of my tongue comes out unprompted to wet my own. When I move my gaze back to his, I find his eyes fixed on my mouth.

He slowly lifts his gaze to meet my eyes again, and I fucking whimper at the look of desire radiating from them.

"Theo," I whisper his name, and I don't even care if it sounds like I'm begging.

His hand comes up to rest against my cheek. The pad of his thumb slowly drags against my bottom lip, and his eyes follow the movement.


I don't have to elaborate on what I'm asking for. His palm smooths against my cheek to run his fingers into my hair, and his fingertips curl around the back of my head to bring me closer.

Finally, his lips meet mine.

If I had thought Theo could kiss before, I don't know what to think of this now.

Last time, he was just some guy I barely knew. He was nice, he seemed like a safe bet to make Cal jealous, and I couldn't deny that I was attracted to his tough guy exterior. And that kiss though simple and short had nearly blown me away.

This time, I know Theo. I feel safe with Theo. I crave Theo. And there's nothing simple or short about this kiss.

He attempts to ease back at the beginning, but I quickly put an end to that by reaching up to grab his face. That's all the permission he needs to completely decimate me.

His hand moves from my hair to grip my chin, and his tongue which I had wanted so desperately to taste last time makes its way into my mouth.

He continues to hold me gently. A few times his grip tightens but each time he loosens his hold again so that I'm free to move away.

As if I would ever want to move away.

I only want to move closer, and my hands paw at his head and shoulders, trying to move him closer to me as his tongue explores every inch of my mouth.

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