Chapter 63

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"Oh. What are you all dressed up for?" I grin as I watch Theo walk toward me. His hair is still damp from his shower, and he's buttoning up a navy shirt as he comes into the kitchen.

He quirks an eyebrow with confusion and glances down at his attire which also consists of black pants and socks. "Church," he supplies once he's looking at my face again, "Same place I go every Sunday."

"Right." Duh. I should have known that. "You're not going to ask me to come with you?" I brush his hands aside to do up his top button and reach around his neck to fix his collar.

Why did I just ask him that?

He looks a little surprised while he lets me finish dressing him. "Do you want to come with me, Milia?"

Yes. No. I don't know.

I shrug lightly as the coffee pot dings. Thankful for something to busy myself with, I turn towards it to pour us each a mug. "I don't have anything else to do..."

"You know you're always welcome to come, whether I ask you or not."

I hand him a mug and lean back against the counter. "Should I ask April for a dress again?"

He holds his mug to his mouth and blows on the hot liquid while his eyes trail down my body. "I don't think you need to, but you can if you want."

I fidget under his warm gaze, tugging on the bottom hem of my tight, soft grey t-shirt. "I can just wear this?"

His eyes move back up my body now, and he takes a step closer while reaching around me to place his mug on the counter. "I'm not going to tell you how you should or shouldn't dress... but can I make a suggestion?"

He's standing so close to me, and I catch myself running my tongue over my bottom lip when the scent of his freshly showered skin fills my nostrils. I reach for the ends of his untucked, button-up shirt and gently tug on them, urging him to crowd me against the counter even more. "What's that?"

He lifts a hand between us and presses the pad of his thumb against my nipple. A smile graces his lips when he hears my sharp intake of air, and he slowly moves his thumb in small circles against me while leaning down to nuzzle my neck. "Put a bra on?" he says in a low murmur, "I'm not going to be able to focus otherwise. This shirt fits you like a glove."

I bet I'd fit you like a glove...

The idea of him filling me has my hands clutching at his shoulders to pull him closer.

Theo chuckles and lightly runs his lips against my throat. I tilt my head back to give him better access, and he trails his mouth up my skin and over my chin to reach my mouth.

I press my body into his leg, ready to grind against him for the better part of the morning, but all too soon his mouth is leaving mine and he's holding my hips to cease my movements.

"Now, now. I can't have you getting me all excited." He presses a quick kiss to my cheek and moves a hand from my hip to reach around me. With his coffee cup to his lips again, he takes a step back as he drinks from the mug. "Thank you for the coffee. Do you want me to get a bagel ready for you?"

I can't hide my disappointed scowl but it doesn't last long when I see the apologetic expression on his face... and the way that he's trying to subtly adjust himself in his well-fitted slacks.

"That'd be great, thanks." I smile at him and reach up to pat his shoulder while I walk past him. "I guess I'll go put a bra on... like a good girl."

His laughter plays through the room while I head out of the kitchen and then he calls after me, "Emilia?"

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