Chapter 41

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Should I make pasta again?

I scan the contents of Theo's refrigerator before moving on to the pantry. Both are well stocked but I feel weird rummaging through the contents.

What if I cook something that he was saving for a different meal? What if I make something that he doesn't like?

Maybe I should make just enough for myself so that if he doesn't like it, it doesn't go to waste. He told me I don't have to cook for him... but that doesn't feel right. It's his food and he's worked all day while I've lounged around his house. He deserves to be cooked for.

A knock at the front door pulls me from my indecisive thoughts.

The time on the stove says it's just past four. Likely too early for Theo to be home, and I don't see why he would knock before entering his own house.

Whoever it is will probably leave if I just ignore them. They must notice that there isn't a vehicle in the driveway.

A second knock sounds through the house, followed by the unmistakable click of the door opening.

My anxiety gets the best of me. I step toward the knife block on the counter. Why didn't I lock the fucking door after Theo left this morning?


A relieved laugh escapes me and I give my head a shake while walking toward the living room.

"What do you want, Cal?" My voice is bored while I step into the living room and see him coming toward me.

My straightforward question seems to throw him. He frowns as he stops walking.

"Uh." He clears his throat and frowns again, and I begin to feel a little bad about my hostility. "I was wondering... April was wondering if you wanted to join us for dinner?"

I'm shaking my head before he can finish his question. "No. Tell her thanks but... no."

I turn around to walk back into the kitchen and hear Cal's footsteps coming after me.

"C'mon, Emy. It's been a messy few days, but I think we all want to get through this to the other side, don't we?"

I'm puzzled by his word choice. I turn back to face him again and lean against the kitchen counter with my arms crossed over my chest. "What the fuck does that even mean, Cal?"

He laughs awkwardly and rubs the back of his neck. "Fuck if I know. April said it and it seemed to make sense coming from her..."

A smirk crosses my face.

He's right. It does seem to make more sense coming from April.

He smirks back at me and points over his shoulder with his thumb. "Let's go. I'm running out to grab some steaks for the barbecue. You can come with me."

I take a step toward him but something makes me hesitate. I glance at the pantry I had just been searching through.

"Theo's going to join us later. April was already on the phone with him."

I look back to Cal when he speaks and a small smile graces his lips.

"That's what you're worried about, right? Wondering what poor Theo is going to do for dinner?"

I shrug, trying to play it off as nothing. Because it is nothing. "It's the least I can do in return for him letting me stay here." I walk past him, heading back through the living room to the front door.

Cal follows behind me. "You could stay with us."

"Cal... " I leave it at that and step into my shoes.

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