Chapter 64

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Since I've met April I have discovered more and more what a strong woman she is. I didn't want to believe Cal when he first told me, but seeing her over the past few weeks... From the way she handles Cal, to the way she handled my sudden appearance in their lives, everything that happened with her first husband, and even what happened before him that I only have a vague idea about from Theo... it has all made it abundantly clear.

And still, I am completely blown away by the poise and calmness she's embodied since our talk in the bathroom. Looking at her, you'd never know that she was just about pulling her hair out before I somehow managed to talk her down.

I hardly even remember what I said. I just started rambling, and I hugged her, and then suddenly she was holding her head high and dabbing at her eyes and asking me if I was ready to join the others again.

She's a fucking legend.

As my eyes notice Theo coming toward me, a smile pulls at my lips. I guess April's legendary status makes sense considering who her brother is.

The same man who was trying to speak to me earlier, before I excused myself to follow April, is once again standing to my left. "Emilia, right?" he asks with a kind voice.

I nod and look up at his handsome face, framed with curly blond hair, but before I can say anything else, Theo steps in between us.

"Trevor," he greets the man. His smile says 'hi' while his eyes all but shout 'step aside'. He hands me a cup of coffee, brushing his fingers lightly against mine as I take it from him.

Oh. Feeling territorial, are we, big guy?

"Hey, everyone," a familiar, sweet voice breaks its way into my thoughts as Megan joins the circle. She squeezes in between Trevor and Theo and leans into Theo's side, and now it's not just Theo feeling like his territory is being moved in on.

"Hey, Megs." Theo gives her a wider smile than he greeted Trevor with and wraps one of his arms around her in a quick side hug.

"Hey, Teddy." She grins up at him.

Teddy. I almost roll my eyes. His name is fucking Theo, not Teddy.

Would it be inappropriate to climb him and shove my tongue down his throat while we're still in church? ... Probably. But damn, how I want to mark him as mine in front of this bitch.

Just you wait, Theodore. Next Sunday, you're showing up with a hickey...

"Do you want to come over for lunch today? I may or may not have made lasagna again," Megan asks him in a sing-song voice.

Every part of me tenses. I debate on throwing my cup of coffee at her, but before my jealousy causes me to completely overreact, Theo presses a hand against my lower back and shakes his head.

"I can't, Megan."

My spirits lift as her face falls but then Theo tacts on, "How about I come over for coffee though?" and Megan eagerly agrees.

He turns to me and searches my eyes. "Mind getting a ride back with Cal and April?" his voice comes out softly. "I won't be long."

I can feel my face turning red with rage. I glance across the circle to where Cal and April are standing, unaware of our conversation since they're busy talking to other people. "Fine. Let them know I'll be waiting by their van."

I don't bother with any polite goodbyes and take off across the room to get to the parking lot, fully aware that Theo is hot on my heels.

"Emilia, slow down a minute," he speaks through clenched teeth, trying to get my attention without making a scene as we step outside.

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