[LEMON] ~ [Quiet: Karaku x Reader]

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Requested by silverrsoull

Hope you enjoy~

Author's Note: In MY version of the Modern AU, everyone is human.

❉ ╧╧╧╧ ✿ ╧╧╧╧ ❉

⚠️ Swearing, sexual content, dirty talking, praising/degrading ⚠️

[Modern AU]

As the birds begin to chirp and the flowers light up the suburb area with color, the sun shines through the curtain of the bedroom, hitting your face. You squint covering your face with the blanket. You wait several moments, hoping the sun would hide behind the clouds but... It doesn't happen.

"Dammit." You let out a groan and throw the blanket off the bed, causing an individual beside you to let out a small laugh. Looking over, you see your boyfriend laying beside you, having himself propped up on his elbow as he stares into your eyes.

" 'Morning babe~" He says in his casual voice. You let out a sigh as you cover your face with a pillow.

"Give me a few more minutes!" He tugs lightly at the pillow covering your face, but you hit him with it, causing him to laugh.

"I gave you a few minutes. In fact, its been a few hours." You shoot straight up out of bed, looking over to the time to see that it reads: 12:36pm. You wipe the sleep out of your eyes and place your feet on the ground. "You up now?" He asks, wrapping his arms around your waist and burying his face into your neck.

"Yes, baby, I'm up." He chuckles, planting a kiss on your neck before letting you go. You both get up and Karaku makes the bed as you head to the bathroom. You brush your teeth, clean your face and comb your (h/l), (h/c) hair before walking back out into the bedroom to see that Karaku is gone. "Karaku?"

"He's downstairs." Urogi says walking by with a full laundry basket in hand. You walk downstairs to see that he is sitting at the table eating breakfast, well lunch, with Aizetsu.

"Good morning!" You say cheerfully as you sit down beside your boyfriend.

"Good morning." Aizetsu replies, with his usual sad expression on his face.

"Where's Sekido?" You ask and Karaku wraps an arm loosely around your shoulder.

"He's working... Apparently there was some big conference meeting so he asked all of us to be quiet." You nod as your drink the grape juice your boyfriend had in his cup. "But I don't get why he works from home if he knows we're gonna be loud?" Your cheeks turns a light pink, as a dirty response comes to your mind but you ignore it.

"Because he wants to keep an eye on us. He is the oldest brother." Aizetsu comments and Urogi grabs a protein bar from the cabinet.

"I'm heading out!"

"Are you going to the gym, again?!" Karaku asks.

"Hey, I have to stay fit for the ladies, y'know?" He winks at you and roll your eyes. "Byeee!!" He leaves, slamming the door behind him.

"BE QUIET DOWN THERE!!" Sekido shouts from the top of the stairs before slamming his bedroom door.

"What does Sekido do again?" You ask. "Doesn't he do finances or something?"

"He does taxes and a ton of other money-realted work." Aizetsu says, answering your question. "Say, aren't you off today, Karaku?"

"Yep! I'm off every Friday so that I can spend time with my girl." He plants a kiss on your cheek and you giggle. "Sure, Friday is the day to get the most tips. But I'm not taking my chances." Aizetsu nods and stands up from the table, placing his empty cup in the sink as he grabs his jacket. "Where are you going?"

Hantengu Clones x Reader ~ ONESHOTS & HEADCANONSWhere stories live. Discover now