[Modern HEADCANON] ~ [Coming Out to the Clones + Additional Pride Headcanons]

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Just a 'lil something for pride month

Hope you enjoy~

Author's Note: After dating >Insert Clone Here< for quite some time, you were confident enough to come out to them.

Apologizes in advance to the LQBGQIA+ community if I mess up anything in these headcanons (I DO NOT mean to be disrespectful)

I don't want to see any homophobic comments.


(So/Gi) = Sexual Orientation/Gender Identity

❉ ╧╧╧╧ ✿ ╧╧╧╧ ❉

⚠️ Swearing, pride related themes (like mxm, fxf, etc.) minor homophobic remarks and slurs ⚠️

[Modern AU]

~ It was the first of June, Pride Month. You knew your boyfriend's sexual orientation already, but you were afraid to tell him because you've been in the closet for so long
~ To set the mood to come out to him... You both went to the carnival and spent the whole day together, getting him hyped for the big reveal
~ At the end of the day, as the Ferris wheel went to the top you decided to say something...
~ YN: "Hey Karaku? There's... Something I want to tell you— And have been meaning to tell you for a while now..." You reach over to grab his hand as he interlocks fingers with yours.
  K: "What is it babe?"
  YN: "Um I'm..." You take a deep breath, squeezing his hand lightly. "I'm... (So/Gi)..."
  K: "WAIT, REALLY?!!" He practically jumped out of his seat he was so excited, the Ferris wheel seat tilting and turning, almost making you two fall off the Ferris wheel
~ Being a proud Pansexual himself, he's glad you came out
~ He had a feeling you were (So/Gi)... But he didn't want to make you uncomfortable or press you to come out
~ "I love you just the way you are! Don't ever change yourself for anyone... Not even for me.
~ Pansexual 🩷💛💙

~ It was the last day of pride month, and the town you lived in held a Pride Festival late at night to celebrate the ending of pride month. You decided to come out at the end of the month, rather then the beginning. You decided to come out to him indirectly, wearing a striped t-shirt/tank-top as well as bracelets and bead necklaces to show off the colors of the (So/Gi) flag.
~ As you, Urogi and his brothers (meaning Karaku and Aizetsu) were getting dressed, Urogi walks into your shared room to get dressed, but notice your shirt. He giggles.
~ "What'cha wearing that for? You're not (So/Gi)." Say nothing but smile at him it takes a moment to process.
~ "..."
~ "You're (So/Gi)?!"
~ You , Urogi, Aizetsu and Karaku went to the venues and sat on the hill to watch the fireworks. When the four of you get home exhausted after the long tiring night of watching fireworks, Urogi gently grabs your hand, as he crawls into bed with you.
~ U: "How come you didn't tell me sooner, babe?"
   YN: "I didn't want anyone to make a big deal out of it."
   U: "But it's the end of June, how will you be able to celebrate your pride when the month is over?"You smile at him, planting a gentle kiss on his cheek.
   YN: "We can both celebrate next year!"
~ Bisexual/Polysexual 🩷💜💙 / 🩷💚💙

~ Before you came out to Sekido, you came out to Urogi and Karaku months beforehand, wanting Sekido to have a whole understand of the LQBTQIA+ community
~ He was confused why his two brothers were being so persistent but he shrugged it off
~ Karaku and Urogi tried to figure out what Sekido's sexual orientation was by setting him up on dates with multiple people.
~ They tried with two females first, Daki and Mitsuri. He wasn't intrested. Then with two men, Rengoku and Gyokko. He wasn't interested in them either. They tried Non-Binary people, Enmu, but nothing... They tried girls that looked like guys, guys that looked like girls, flat girls, curvaceous girls, muscular men, skinny men... But they had no effort.
~ K: "He might be Aromantic..." Karaku said to his brother, who shook his head.
   U: "He might be Asexual... But that would be that would be Sekido's decision." Sekido stands up, turning to his brother.
  S: "Demisexual means you don't feel sexual attraction towards others until you've formed a romantic relationship with them, correct."
  U: "Yeah. But what does th-"
  S: "There is someone I'm interested in. Some of the people I went on those dates with seemed interesting... But I want that girl that comes to visit you four every other day."
~ After you and Sekido got into a relationship and started dating seriously, Karaku and Urogi at knew what his sexual orientation was
~ When you came out to him... He didn't say much too you. Not because he was mad, but because he was sure what to say. (He thought about saying "Congratulations" but then decided against it)
~ "I heard Karaku and Urogi say that term from from time to time... But I wish you would have told me first instead of hiding it..."
~ Doesn't take the time to "look at girls" for he has no interest in dating someone. But since you hung out at his house most of the time (to spend time with the others), you were the only female in his life he actually had feeling for
~ A Straight Asexual/Demisexual 🖤🩶🤍💜

~ You sat on the edge of your bed, fidgeting with your hands as you waited for Aizetsu to come back from the store so that you could come out to him. As you sat there waiting, negative thoughts began to take over you mind... Thinking about the possible things Aizetsu could say to you once you came out. "(Y/N), you're confused." Or "I don't want to be around anyone who loves the same gender they identify as." Or worse... "Stay away from me you f——!" The thought of him hating you for being yourself made you burst into tears and at the moment, you heard the front door of your apartment.
~ "(Y/N)? Are you there?" Through sniffles and sobs, you tell him that your in the bedroom. He quickly puts all the groceries away and heads to your room, seeing your face red from crying. "(Y/N)? Why are you crying?"
~ YN: "A-Aizetsu... *Sniffle* I have something to tell you... But I'm afraid you won't love me anymore." His expression turns to sorrowful... More sorrowful than usual
   A: "W-What is it?"
   YN: "I-I... *Sniffle*... I'm (So/Gi)!" You begin crying loudly again, burying your face into your hands as he just stares at you. This worries you, as you prepare yourself for the homophobic comments... But instead, he places a hand on your back, gently rubbing it.
   A: "Is that everything?" You turn in his direction.
   YN: "You're not mad?" He shakes his head. "Don't you hate me?" He shakes his head again. "Please... Just say something... Tell me something that let's me know you don't hate me." You bury your face in your hands again.
   A: "Well... U-Um... In that case... I have something to tell you as well...
~ Had an experimental period...
~ One summer during his high school years, his (guy) best friend kissed him randomly... He felt tingly/fuzzy after he did that...
~ Gay...? 💚🤍🩵💙

~ You didn't come out to him directly... You were talking in Urogi, Karaku and Aizetsu about telling him... But was afraid of harsh judgement since Zohakuten can be harsh on everyone
~ Sekido and Zohakuten were listening outside the door, in which Zohakuten was enraged at the fact that you didn't come out to him first. Did you not trust him...? We're you mad at him...?
~ Sekido told him to wait a few days to avoid suspicion, After that time had passes, he confronted you
~ Z: "What does (So/Gi) mean? Do you like guys? Girls? Which is it?!"
   YN: "W-What are you talking about Zoha?" He walks up to you, grabbing your shoulders and pulling him close to him
   Z: "I heard the conversation you had the other day in Karaku's room? Why didn't you tell me?!"
~ He doesn't understand/know about the LQBTQIA+ community that much... But he will support you no matter what
~ "I may not know much about... '(So/Gi),' but I'll try to understand..."
~ A Straight Aromantic/Demiromantic 💚🤍🩶🖤

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Happy Pride Month Everybody ~

Always remember to love yourself and others~

Since my summer is currently boring, if anyone would like a Pride-Themed Demon Slayer PFP (or collage or something), add me on discord so I can send it to you easily —>

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