[LEMON & FLUFF] ~ [Am I Your Favorite?: Aizetsu x Reader]

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Requested by FaithSmith252

Hope you enjoy~

❉ ╧╧╧╧ ✿ ╧╧╧╧ ❉

⚠️ Sexual content, minor swearing ⚠️

[Normal AU]

You sat in the Infinity Castle waiting for your four boyfriends to get back from their hunt. As you waited for them to return, you stood behind Nakime as you braided her hair.

"I hope they're okay." You sigh.

"They are." She says blankly. As the Infinite dimension fills with silence. "May I ask you something?"

"What is it, Nakime?"

"What made you decide to date Hantengu?" You grit your teeth.

"To clarify, I am not dating Hantengu, I'm dating the clones that live inside him. Aizestu, Sekido, Urogi and Karaku."

"Do you have a favorite?" You stay silent, not wanting to answer that question. "I won't tell anyone."

"Well... I love all of them equally. I love how romantic Urogi and Karaku are. I also love their positive attitudes. As for Sekido, I love how straightforward he is. If he is pissed off, which is most of the time, he'll tell you. If something is bothering him, he'll say something. I also like how he takes charge of the group of us. Almost like he's the 'dad' of the group."

"And what about the blue one?"

"Aizestu..." You let out a sigh, placing a hand to your cheek as it begins to turn pink. "I don't even know where to begin. He's calm and sweet, he's always putting my feeling before his own. He's always so considerate of the others and puts them first too... Even if it means he's at the back of the line. I just wish he would be selfish sometimes, y'know." Nakime stays quiet, but smiles because little do you know, the clones are already there listening on your conversation. As Urogi and Karaku argue with one another while Sekido tries to separate them, Aizetsu stares down at you with admiration. Were you really his favorite? Or were you just saying that to make him feel better.

. . .

Later in the morning, around noon, you sat in the Infinity Castle with Urogi and Aizetsu, while Karaku and Sekido were hiding away on the surface from the sun. As you and Urogi talked about anything and everything, Aizetsu just stared off into space, not even paying attention to what the two of you were talking about. Suddenly, Aizestu leans over to Urogi and whispers something in his ear, causing him to get mad.

"So that's why Karaku wanted to go to the surface so badly!" Aizetsu nods and he stands up. "I can't let that bastard get the best of me. I'll be back (Y/N)." He flies out of the room leaving the two of you alone.

"What was that abo-" Your words were cut off by Aizetsu, as he plants a gentle, yet firm kiss on your lips. You kiss him back and he pulls away after a few moments. "Aizetsu... A-Are you okay?"

"Am I your favorite, (Y/N)?"

"Huh." He scoots closer to you and scoot back away slightly, your back hitting the wall.

"Am I your favorite... Amongst the four of us?" Your eyes widen slightly as you stare into his blue eyes. Did he hear your conversation with Nakime earlier? No... He couldn't have. If he did, you would have known because you would have heard the four of them talking. Before you could answer his question, he picks you up bridal as he jumps and runs around the Infinity Castle.

"Where are we going?" You squeal as you cling onto him.

"Somewhere private." After moving for what seemed like miles away from the 'main' area of the Infinity Castle, he finds a dimly lit room with a bed in it. He carries you into the room, shutting the door behind him and walks over to the bed, setting you down. You stare up at him as he stares down at you.

"A-Aizetsu... What's going on?" He places a hand on your cheek, lifting your head up.

"(Y/N)... I..." He looks down at your now trembling body as he looks back up at your face. "I want to be selfish for once."

"What are you talking about? Did Karaku or Urogi say something mean to you?" He shakes his head.

"(Y/N), I want to have you to myself today... Do you understand what I'm asking?" Your eyes widen slightly but soften as you nod. He gives you a soft smile, planting another kiss on your lips. You run your fingers through his black hair as he gently climbs on top of you, immediately removing your kimono. You reach to take off his kimono but he stops you. "Please, love. Let me do everything."

"S-Sorry..." You mumble.

"Don't apologize." He takes off his own kimono before stopping his actions and sitting upright.

"I-Is something wrong?" He stays quiet, his cheeks turning pink.

"No, no... I'm just thinking..."

"About what?"

"What I want to do..." He strokes your thighs with his hands slowly going up towards your wet slit. You whine as he inserts a finger and moves it in a hook motion.

"Nngh~ Ai... zetsu..." He plants a kiss on your jaw.

"Relax, love." He whispers quietly as he begins kissing and sucking on your neck desperately. "Just let me please you." You let out a moan as he moves his lips down you body, as he continues to finger you. He inserts a second finger and moves them in a scissoring motion, before leaning down and leaving a trail of kisses down your stomach.

"Ah~" You pull on his horns, causing him to whimper quitely. He stops his actions and so do you from the unexpected noise he made. You let go of his horns and stare up at him you go to say something but he stops you, french kissing you as he pins your one hand down to the bed, all while still fingering you slit. He pulls away after several moments. "Aizetsu... I-I'm... close..." He smiles softly, kissing your cheek."

"Let go, love... Just let it go..." After what seemed like forever, you finally came all over his fingers. He pulls his fingers out as he slips his pants down. "Am I your favorite now?" He asks as you smile.

"You'll have to give me a good reason for you to be my favorite." You tease as he stays quiet, staring down at your hickey-covered body. "A-Are you okay Aizet- AH~!" He enters his length into you, causing you to cry out in pleasure. "Oh... Damn- Aizetsu!" He continues his slow pace but begins to go faster. You feel yourself reaching your second climax.

"(Y/N)... I'm close..."

"M-Me too!" In just a few moments, you both climax together, your bodily juices and his seed spilling out onto the bed as he pulls out. You cuddle your face into his neck as he holds you close.

"Now am I your favorite." You giggle as you kiss his jawbone.

"Yes you are, Ai~" You lay there in silence but suddenly sit up. "So, what did you say to Urogi earlier that made him fly away."

"I told him that Haraku was on the surface getting you a gift... I wanted us to be alone."

"Wait so you intended this to happen?!" He nods and your cheeks turn a bright pink but a booming voice echoes throughout the Infinity Castle.

"AIZETSU I'M GOING TO KICK YOUR ASS!" He sighs as he puts his pants back on. You slip on your panties before walking over to him.

"Looks like Urogi's back." He mumbles but you stop him, hugging the taller male from behind.

"Stay here."

"Okay." He replies quickly as the two of you walk back to bed.

1289 words

Hantengu Clones x Reader ~ ONESHOTS & HEADCANONSWhere stories live. Discover now