[FLUFF] ~ [Golden Blood: Hantengu Clones x Reader]

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Requested by Igni_Hydee

Hope you enjoy~

❉ ╧╧╧╧ ✿ ╧╧╧╧ ❉

❗️ Spoilers ❗️

⚠️ Swearing, blood/gore ⚠️

[Normal AU]

You were born with a gift. No, you didn't have increased hearing or an extraordinary sense of smell... But you had a very rare blood type called Rh. No one knew about your special blood type— Well, no one in particular. The demon slayer corps was aware of a human that gave her blood to demons for free and was told to either kill her on site or to bring her to the Hashira, where her blood would be drained from her body and tested. There was something special about your blood that was different from everyone else's. Compared to regular blood, one drop of your blood could last a demon a whole month without feasting on a human as well as increased their power and regeneration speed. The demons she offered her blood services to showed her mercy and word had spread fast amongst the creatures that lured in the night... To which word had eventually went to Lord Muzan and his 12 Kizuki. You didn't offer your blood to just anyone, you had them do it for a price. Because you were to be killed on site, you often had them steal food from a local market or farm.

As one of your regulars brought you back a basket of fruits and vegetables you smiled at them, getting out your kunai and pricking your finger. You let the blood flow from your finger to a small beaker in which you hand to the demon in front of you. "Thank you again, Hantengu. I greatly appreciate it. This should be enough food to last me the next two days."

"N-No problem... J-Just please don't kill me! I beg of you!" You giggle at his words.

"Again Hantengu, I am not going to kill you unless you give me a reason to. Now, I must leave and head back to my small cottage. I hope to see you again soon." You watch as he slowly walks away, making sure that he gets away safely. Just as you turn away to head deeper into the forest, a demon slayer charges at you, attempting to cut off your head. Thankfully, you hadn't put your weapon away, so you stab the slayer dead in the heart, killing him as he falls to the ground. You hear a screech above you, seeing Hantengu sitting on a branch of a tree. You quickly put away your kunai.

"How pitiful, pitiful! Targeting a kind girl like yourself? It's such a shame, such a shame!" You open your mouth to warn him to leave but another slayer comes up to them, decapitating him. You scream as you back up against a tree, covering your mouth in fear as you begin crying. Two more slayers come up behind the first, one inspects the body of the guy you killed as the one walks up to you.

"Are you okay? Are you hurt at all?!" You stare up at him, almost at a loss of words. The male takes a good look at you before gasping quietly. "Wait a minute... Your that damned blood girl the elders have been talking about, aren't you?" You try to reach for the kunai tucked into your kimono, but the male stops you, grabbing your wrist and twisting you arms. You close your eyes and shake your head, pulling on your wrist, hoping he would let go. "I'm gonna get my reward for killing y- AGH!" You open your eyes and look up to the slayer gasping when you see a sort of staff stuck through his neck. He lets go of your wrist and you slowly crawl backwards, seeing a demon behind him electrocute him. You quietly stand up and turn around to run away but you don't get to far before immediately bump into something— Or, someone to be exact. Looking up you see a blue-eyed demon with 'Upper 4' written on his eyes and a sorrowful expression on his face.

"Are you alright?" You nod, staring deeply into the demon's eyes. He offer you his spear, in which you grab onto and he pulls you upright. "Poor thing... What are you doing or here in the forest by yourself?"

"I-I was just—"

"Aizetsu! We are leaving, let's go!" You look over his shoulder to the demon with staff from earlier. The demon in front of you immediately grabs your wrist, pulling you along him.

"W-Where are we going?!" You exclaim but he doesn't say anything. Suddenly, you appear in some weird infinite castle place with the two demons from before plus two additional demons that you didn't see. A hawk-looking one turns and points at you.

"Hey! When did a human girl show up?"

"She's with me, Urogi. I was going to kill her anyway!" You gulp and stand up, catching the attention of the four.

"A-Actually... Maybe you do the have to kill me..." You pull out a kunai from your kimono and make a small prick in your finger, putting the blood in a small beaker. You hand it to Aizetsu but the red-eyed one comes up and snatches it.

"Yeah right. Like a drop of blood is gonna do anything!" He samples the blood and his pupils dilate. He drops the cup on the ground.

"I bet her blood was poisoned!" Urogi says but the red-eyed one holds up a hand.

"Her blood... Is something else!! This was the girl Lord Muzan was talking about! The girl with the golden blood..." He walks up to you and you stare up at him. "What's your name?" You smile at him, showing him that you were not scared of him.

"My name is (Y/N)." You turn to the blue-eyed one. "You're Aizetsu, aaaand...." You point to the hawk-looking one. "Urogi, right?" He nods but the green-eyed one grabs your shoulders.

"Hey! What's my name? Do you know my name?" He pouts.

"No, but I would love to find out."

"My name is Karaku, and (Y/N) is a lovely name!" He smiles at you.

"You have a lovely name too! And your smile is marvelous." His eyes widen slightly as he pulls you close.

"Sekido! Can we keep her?! Pleeease?"

"Yeah!" Urogi agrees but Sekido grumbles.

"No! We are going to call Lord Muzan and have him deal with her! Maybe we don't need to find that flower he's desperately trying to find..."

"But what if Lord Muzan tries to kill her?" Aizetsu asks.

"Or worse?"

"FINE! But it's your guys' responsibility to feed it, water it and do whatever else. I'm gonna find Lord Muzan!" Sekido then hops off into the infinite dimension in search for this 'Lord Muzan.'

"Sooo... What do you want to do?" Karaku asks, sitting criss-cross on the ground beside you. You shrug as Aizetsu and Urogi sit down.

"I don't care. What do you do for fun?"

"Weeell, me and Urogi tend to see who can piss off Sekido first!"

"Mainly we just go on hunts..." Aizetsu adds. "What do you like to do for fun." You place a finger on your cheek as you begin to wonder.

"Well... I used to like going on walks through the cities... But now that I'm an outlaw in most places, I just walk through the woods."

"Poor thing..." Aizetsu says.

"Well, she has us now!" Urogi wraps an arm around your shoulder, causing you to blush a little. You notice Karaku pouts a bit so he wraps his arm around your waist.

"I think you'll like our company!" Karaku says, winking at you.

1284 words

Hantengu Clones x Reader ~ ONESHOTS & HEADCANONSWhere stories live. Discover now