67. Favorite Son In Law

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"Otto." Viserys remarked. 

"Your grace." He answered. "I'm here to see my children and grandchildren." 

"Ah yes... we are grandsires." Viserys agreed. 

"That we are." Otto agreed stiffly. Whenever Otto ran into Viserys after his exile from Hand of the king it was awkward. Otto tried to keep conversation to a minimum and mainly stuck by his kids, by his Blyana. 

"Lord Otto." Larys remarked. 

"Just the man I was looking for." Otto declared. 

"You were?" Larys questioned his step faltered and he gripped his cane confused. 

"Yes, of course, my favorite son in law.'" Otto declared and viserys choked a breath. 

"Favorite." Larys repeated softly. 

"Where is Blyana?" Otto questioned. Of course he wanted to see Blyana. 

"I'm not your favorite that means?" Larys mused. 

"I prefer you to Viserys." Otto corrected. "Come now, where is Blyana?" 

"She's with Teo and Bellamy, they are training and wanted her to see... in the courtyard." Larys remarked fondly. 

"Grampa!" Lucia declared running to Otto. 

"Hello my love." Otto coed picking her up. 

"Daddy you were supposed to find me a cookie, not grampa." Lucia pointed an accusatory finger at larys. 

"Am I not better than a cookie?" Otto countered. 

"I can't eat you!" Lucia laughed out. 

"Good point." Otto agreed. 

"Good Aemond, good, well struck." Criston remarked. 

"You going to be a warrior like daddy?" Blyana questioned, she sat with Jaehaerys and Jaehaera on the ground a thin blanket under them while Aegon trained. 

"I get!" Jaehaerys declared jumping up and running on unstable legs to Aegon. 

"Baby on the training field!" Blyana declared, they had gotten used to it, the kids running out. Swords would be lifted up out of harms way until the baby was grabbed. "Jae loves you, Aegon." 

"He's alright." Aegon agreed picking him up. 

"He gives you good structure." Blyana remarked. Jaehaera stared back at them a moment before stabbing her figurine into the ground trying to burry it. "Responsibility." 

"I suppose." Aegon agreed, Jaehaerys pressed a wet kiss to Aegon's cheek and Blyana knew that the tough guy act was just an act. Aegon loved his kids. 

"There's my girl." Otto remarked. 

"Mama look who I found!" Lucia declared. 

"Daddy!" Blyana declared. 

"No, I found grampa." Lucia corrected. Blyana chuckled kissing her cheek as she hugged Otto. 

"Hi baby, I missed you."

"There are a few more babies since you last graced us with your presence." Blyana remarked. "I forget did you meet the twins?" 

"Yes, in passing." Otto agreed. "Aegon kept shouting at them, something i didnt understand." 

"Yeah... he's grown out of that most days." Blyana agreed. 

"Aegon that is." Larys clarified. 

"Maelor is sweet. You are going to love him, I think he looks a bit like you." Blyana remarked. "He has your nose." 

"my crooked nose, I hope not." Otto countered.

"Oh its not crooked." Blyana assured as Alicent came out. 

 "ALicent, hello dear."  Otto remarked smiling down at her. 

"Father." She answered and he pressed a kiss to her cheek. 

''You are a grandmother," Otto remarked. 

"Dont remind me." Alicent corrected. 

"Your mother would be proud of you both." Otto remarked and Blyana held ALicent's hand. "The wonderful young women you have become." 

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