57. Toxic

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Getting home to the capital was nice. For mostly no one.

Rhaenyra was gone. Hooray! But Alicent had decided to marry aegon and helaena. Aegon was grumbling and Helaena was busy with a spider she smuggled from driftmark. Aemond was trying to figure out who he was with only one eye and Daeron being the little brother that he was kept poking Aemond asking if he could stick his finger in Aemonds eye socket. To which Aemond answered ask me again and I break your finger. Daeron stopped asking.

Blyana was sea sick. Her head spinning and she went right back to bed. She had laid against larys the majority of the trip home barely able to open her eyes everything was spinning and she was so nauseous.  Lucia Bellamy and Teo were glad to be home they had liked the adventure but were exhausted from their adventures on the high seas. Larys kept them occupied while Blyana rested.

Otto was hand again he should have been on top of the world but seeing Blyana laying in bed her head pounding her eyes fluttering he was miserable with her. He wanted to fix her. Heal her. Make her feel better and he couldnt. He sat on the edge of her and larys bed running a hand through her hair. He wished he could take the pain away.

It was a fortnight before everyone was adjusted back to normal life at the capital again. Blyana was up and about and aegon came up to her a sad look on his little face.

"Baby what happened?" Blyana questioned holding him to her.

"I dont want to marry Helaena."

"What?" Blyana countered confused.

"Tell mother im not to marry her. Shes weird." Aegon begged. "Auntie please please please!" Aegon begged clinging to her.

"I will talk to your mother. You are far too young to be married." Blyana agreed. "And you should marry for love not duty."

"Thank you! I knew you would understand." Aegon agreed.

Blyana went to find Alicent but she found Helaena. Blyana smiled sitting beside her. 

"Do you know what type of flower that is?" Blyana pondered. 

"Brugmansia vulcanicola." Helaena remarked. "It's new."

"And it is extremely rare and toxic." Blyana agreed. "Larys acquired it, its beautiful isnt it?"

"So beautiful." Helaena agreed.

 "The flowering shrub that originated in the cool, humid highlands of the regions across the narrow sea. It's part of the nightshade family." Blyana went on. "Do you know what Brugmansia vulcanicola translates to?" Blyana pondered. 

''Volcanic-soil-favoring angel's trumpet'.' Helaena remarked. "ROughly." 

"Thats right." Blyana agreed. 

"Brugmansia vulcanicola has pinkish-red trumpet-shaped that hang like pendants from the branches..." Helaena smiled down at it. "These beautiful flowers are the smallest blooms produced by any member of the Brugmansia genus known to man." 

"Helaena how would you like to go to the citadel and study botany?  become a botanist?" Blyana pondered and helaena's eyes went wide. 

"You mean it?" Helaena questioned eagerly. 

"I would have to talk to your mother but I think you would learn a lot there, learning about different flowers and insects, it could be a lot of fun, let you and Aegon and learn, before..."

"I dont want to marry him, Auntie." Helaena whispered. 

"I know... but the citadel?"

"I want to go to the citadel!" Helaena practically shouted. 

"Then I shall convince your mother." Blyana agreed. "You will go to the citadel and learn and study and come back even more brilliant than you already are." Blyana decided. 

"That would be wonderful, the most wonderful thing in the world!" Helaena agreed. 

"Then i will make it happen." Blyana agreed. 


"Yes love?"

"How did uncle Larys acquire such a rare and deadly flower?" Helaena pondered. Blyana thought on that. 

"I dont actually know." Blyana admitted. "He is always finding new and rare plants for us, you get my love of nature thats for sure." Blyana remarked.

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