78. Debt to be Paid

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"I worry for father, I worry what Daemon and Rhaenyra might do to him." Blyana remarked. 

"They know, Rhaenys will have told them and now... now we have to hope for the best, hope they accept our offer." Alicent remarked. 

"Aegon is still nervous," Blyana remarked. "You should say a kind word to him, he never thought he would be king and now... now he is and this is certainly not what he expected." Blyana nodded to Aegon but Alicent didnt know what to say. 

 ''Your Grace, a ship has been sighted offshore.'' Daemon took off, the fun was about to begin. "A lone galleon flying a banner of a three-headed green dragon."

''Alert the watchtowers, sight the skies." Daemon instructed.

''I come at the behest of the dowager... Queen Alicent, mother of King Aegon, second of his name, lord and protector of the Seven Kingdoms." Otto remarked coming up to Daemon and it felt very familiar. Daemon and him had a face off many years ago when otto was to retrieve a dragon egg. ''I've been directed to deliver her message only to Princess Rhaenyra. Where is the princess?'' But Syrax swooped around them. Otto really wasn't a fan of dragons. Especially when they were not on his side. Syrax landed behind his men, keeping them trapped between Daemon and dragon. He didn't know which was more deadly.

''Princess Rhaenyra." Otto remarked as she passed by him.

''I'm Queen Rhaenyra now, and you all are traitors to the realm." Rhaenyra said calmly.

'' King Aegon Targaryen, second of his name. In his wisdom and desire for peace, he's offering terms. Acknowledge Aegon as king and swear obeisance before the Iron Throne. In exchange, his grace will confirm your possession of Dragonstone. It will pass to your true-born son, Viserys, upon your death. Jacaerys will be confirmed as the legitimate heir to Driftmark and all the lands and holdings of House Velaryon. Your sons, by Prince Daemon, will also be given places of high honor at court. Aegon the Younger as the king's squire, Viserys as his cup-bearer. Finally, the king, in his good grace, will pardon any knight or lord who conspired against his assent." Otto informed them calmly.

"I would rather feed my sons to the dragons and have them carry shields and caps for your drunken usurper cսոt of a king." Daemon spat back.

''Aegon Targaryen sits the Iron Throne. He wears the Conqueror's crown, wields the Conqueror's sword, has the Conqueror's name. He was anointed by a septon of the faith before the eyes of thousands. Every symbol of legitimacy belongs to him.'' Otto corrected a slow exhale leaving his lips as he tried to keep his composure. ''And then there is Stark, Tully, Baratheon, houses that have also received and are at present considering generous terms from their king.''

''Stark, Tully, and Baratheon all swore to me when King Viserys named me his heir.'' Rhaenyra retorted

''Stale oaths will not put you on the Iron Throne, princess. Succession changed the day your father sired a son. I only regret that you and he were the last to see the truth of it." Otto remarked, Rhaenyra glared back at him.

''You are no more hand than Eggald his king, fսcking traitor." Rhaenyra spat standing face to face with Otto.

"Grand Maester." Otto said calmly and he stepped forward delivering a page to Otto.

"What the fuck is this?" Daemon seethed stepping forward. Rhaenyra stared down at the page. A memory flashed in her mind.

''Queen Alicent has not forgotten the love you once had for each other. No blood need be spilled. The realm can carry on in peace.... Queen Alicent eagerly awaits your answer" Otto told her gently.

" She can have her answer now, stuffed in her father's mouth along with his withered cock." Daemon spat. ''Let's end this now... Ser Erryk, bring me Lord Hightower's head so I may take the pleasure myself." Swords were drawn and Syrax moved down ready to strike.

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