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Siddharth quietly went to zafar's secret den and went there as he has been doing the past two months. 

Sid(in mind)- Very close to my destination.

He saw Zafar sitting on a big rock and taking out a pink ball which had light shining from it.

Zafar- Until I have you no one can do anything to me!(LAUGHED EVILLY) After Surbhi gets married to Siddharth, soon I will be the king. Our first target will die very soon! Just stay with me I will rule the world soon! I have taken my revenge from Jagdeep killing her but her daughter is still left. (EVIL SMIRK) Maybe I can use her and then kill her? She has a nice beauty. 

Sid(in mind)- All I need to do is steal that pink stone and then teach him a lesson. I just thought to sentence him to death for messing with me but he laid his eyes on my love. You will suffer soon!

Zafar rubbed the stone and shone more. Siddharth was amused seeing all these. He quickly left from there without making a sound.

Avneet was working when she heard Ashi calling her.

Avu(in mind)- Is this Surbhi Mam's plan? He has told me not to go anywhere without the guards but do I really need them now? But....Ashi ji has called me... Oh common! I am strong enough to handle her. Lets see what Surbhi can do! I will teach her a lesson for firing me that day.

But what she was thinking were just too complicated. Ashi has really called her as she sighed in relief.

Avu- May I come in?
Ashi- Avneet?

Avu- Yes.
Ashi- Come in.

Avneet felt bad seeing Ashi. She was laying in the bed looking so pale and weak. Ashi ordered the guards to leave and not to let anyone enter until she calls out.

Avu- Ashi ji, may I please ash you a question?
Ashi- We have a lot to speak today sister. Please sit, on the bed. No arguements.

She followed her.
Avu-Why are you looking so pale Ashi ji?

Ashi smiled at her.
Ashi- Avneet, will you please call me didi? (elder sister)
Avu- Sure b...but?

Ashi- You will get your answers today Avneet.
She nodded with a confused face.

Ashi- I want to ask you something....and feel free to tell me.
She nodded.

Ashi- How do you feel when the princr goes closer to you?

Avu(in mind)- I will be sentenced to death today. Ashi will kill me. Oh god why did I do the friendship with him!!!!

Maybe Ashi understood her.

Ashi- Avneet... Let me reveal you something.
She said with a little smile which amused Avneet more.

Ashi- Though I am married to him, we never had any physical or mental love between us. We are like good friends. He shares me a don't be scared that I am here to warn you or something...Just tell me the truth. If you lie today, you might regret the rest of your life.

Avu- Ashi...No! Didi...yes didi...I... I and he...

Ashi- Avneet  I said you to be comfortable right? Dont be scared. For his sake.

Avu- I am sorry didi.... I did accept when he proposed me for a friendship....I ... I will break it.

Ashi- Why?
Avu- Aren't you angry?

Ashi- Avneet, I said you I am he are just friends. Do you love him?

Avu- No...N...No

Ashi- Everyone thinks I will become a mom soon but here I am sharing our real relation and you are hiding from me?
What do you think ashi is upto?

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