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Sid(huskily)- You are looking beautifully Avneet...
Avneet tried controlling her blush with a smile but she knew she failed. 

Sid- You look cute while blushing.
Avu- Ya...stop teasing me now.

He chuckled.

Sid- You are my wife now Avneet...Do you know how happy I am? 
Avu- I am happy too Rajkumar... I thought maybe I would never get a chance you talk to you after you would get married to Surbhi.

Sid- Was it necessary to bring her on out special night?
She looked down...

He moved closer and lifted her chin by his thumb. 
Sid- Its okay... I am not mad. She is gone from our lives.
She smiled.

He looked at her vermilion. It looked so shining and bright. He smiled looking at her. He held her hand and took her to their balcony. She knew what was he up-to.

Sid- I hope she is seeing us...
She held his hand tighter. She knows that Siddharth was closer to Ashi than her. He missed her the most.

She smiled looking at him and he smiled back. They closed the door and came in. 

Avu- Did you ever love her Rajkumar?
Sid- Why?(teasing)

Avu- Casually asking. 
He smirked at her and pulled her closer.

Sid(huskily)- Till date I have only loved one girl. And she is standing in front of me looking eternal.
She looked down. 

Avu- R...rajkumar...S-someone...
Sid- Some one will see us? 

She couldn't meet his eyes.
Sid- No one will see us...And even if they dares, they should see whom you belong.
He said while tracing her face with his finger and holding her closer by her waist. Did he know that he was giving goosebumps to her? 

Sid- How are you so beautiful? 
He said caressing her cheek. He knew she was comfortable. He touched her ear and removed her earring. His hands traveled down her body as he removed her jewelries one by one. He turned her the other side before removing her necklace. She looked at him fondly through the mirror but as soon as he looked at her she looked down. 

His hands tracing her soft skin were making her shy but she wanted him to continue. She was thinking how lucky she was to have him when she felt a pair of lips kissing her neck. She gulped and bit her lips. He turned her towards himself and kissed her neck deeply marking her as his. She struggled to control her moans but he won of victory as he was so soft and gentle with her and she couldn't help but moan at it. 

He backed off and looked into her eyes. He rubbed her lips with his thumb. She closed her eyes. He smiled at her and leaned....closer...closer...

She smiled internally when she felt his lips kissing her gently. She kissed him back and wrapped her arms around his neck. He held her waist and her cheek while kissing her with his love. 
She ran out of breathe but it was nothing for him. 

He kissed her jaw and her soft spot picking her into his arms. 

Sid(huskily)- Are you ready to be mine and claim me as yours physically? I won't force you.
She placed her hand upon his chest and shook her head. 

He smirked.
Sid- I don't get you darling...
Avu- Rajkumar...

Sid(huskily)- Tell me?
Avu- I wan-t yo-u to... c-conti-nue.

He smirked making her blush and threw her to the bed. He trailed kissed down her collarbone until her blouse was interfering. His hands traveled to the knot and he snuggled into her soft cleavage. 
It was the beginning of their wonderful night.
(You might be disappointed but I don't know I'm just unable to write some scenes properly. I tried making myself into this, but still I am not getting the mood. I took a long to update so maybe I shouldn't delay more.)

She woke up the next morning to see her dear husband lying next to him while holding her lovingly. She blushed again recalling their last night. She silently got up without disturbing him and got freshened up. He too woke up missing her warmth and freshened up while smiling in her thoughts. 

The next few days went by the wedding rituals. The king was growing old so he thought maybe he shouldn't delay more to give Siddharth the crown. He called Siddharth and offered him.

Sid- I will be so grateful to take the responsibility father, but I have a request. 
King- Yes son?

Sid- I think woman should be given  more rights and freedom. I belief we can rule better by breaking the gender inequality. I want to have Avneet in the court too, not behind the curtains but sitting in front of everyone, speaking out clearly about her thoughts and expressions. 

King- You know that woman are just a puppet of us right. They are born just to give birth. That's it. 

Sid- I have traveled a lot the past year for the investigation and I have found out that the world can be better if Women are given a chance. Haven't you heard of Jodha Bai? Bad-shah Akbar's wife who has helped him a lot to rule? Women are not our puppet father, they are our strength. And we should use them, not for our pleasure, but for the benefit of the nation.

Maharaja Krisha suddenly felt so different. His son was grown up. He just realized how true his words were. He had points. 

King- I agree to you then. 

Siddharth couldn't belief his father agreed to it so easily.
King- Then we will be proceeding with the preparations tomorrow. 

Sid- Thank you father.
King- It won't be easy for her.

Dear readers, 
Lately I feel I am disappointing you. I have been getting a lot of support from you but I don't think I am able to meet your expectations. And I sincerely ask for forgiveness. I have thought to write a book which will be totally based on the third song of Sidneet, HONE LAGA TUMSE PYAAR. Do you agree with me that I should go forward with the idea? Please tell me.
Thank You

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