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The next day Siddharth and Avneet along with Jagdeep went to Santi Nagar. The kingdom was dull in their absence. By that time everyone knew how badly Siddharth was fighting agaisnt death and people were sad about it. They liked Siddharth's rule and his system. They loved their king more than anything. 

Hearing the news of their arrival, there was a happy and fresh environment. Because there weren't any celebration for the welcoming of the new born member, the citizen decided to throw a big festival. It would be to welcome their king and their princess. 

Returning to Santi Nagar, Siddharth was amused seeing the decorations. The people were standing in the street to see him. He felt so loved. 

Sid- Oh my dear family, how did you prepare all these just in a few hours? 
Crowd- We have prepared more!

Siddharth waved at them and smiled. The kids had banners
"We love our king. He can't leave us."
He looked at Avneet who was smiling at him.

Avu- You deserve these. 
He held her hand tighter. He was overwhelmed. He felt as if he got everything at that moment, but something was missing. 
He was over eager to see his daughter.

Ruksaar, and the former king- queen welcomed the couple. 
But then a familiar figure came out of the cart. 

Krishna- JAGDEEP!
Jagdeep- Yes, I am here...

Krishna hugged his friend whom he thought he has lost. He knew that Jagdeep knows a lot of tricks and magics, but unlike zafar he uses them in a positive way.

Krishna- My kingdom got their favorite and best doctor back.
Jagdeep- Oh stop flustering me. 

Krishna- I got your daughter married with my son. I hope you aren't angry Jagdeep.
Jagdeep- I am rather proud on you for giving them a chance. 

They smiled

In Siddharth's room:
He comfortably sat on his bed waiting for Avneet to bring his daughter. Soon, his wait was over as the door knock was opened revealing Avneet with a small figure wrapped with a cloth in her arms. 

She came to him and handled the child in his embrace. The child was sleeping, but missing her mother's warmth and feeling a new embrace she woke up and stared to her father. She just stared and didn't bother to blink or cry.
Siddharth was fondly looking at her too. He felt a lot of emotions at that moment, which is not possible to express in words.

Avu- Hey! He is mine baby stop staring. I agree he is your father, but he is my husband! Look away!

She kept her hand in between them. The child crept. Siddharth patted her and she smiled at him. She looked so pretty and cute...Her smile without her teeth were so calming to Siddharth. He kissed her forehead. 
Soon sleep hovered over the child and she closed her eyes. Siddharth laid the kid in the small bed. Yes, the princess owned three beds in her two day life. One is her room, one in Avneet and one in Siddharth's room. 

Sid- Avneet, you shouldn't have left my princess alone here. You know she needed you. She needed your embrace, your food. 

Avneet was pouting and hearing him she frowned. 
Avu- I know but you can't blame me. If I didn't go there, then father wouldn't have gone there too and as a result.....

Her eyes were filled with tears. 
Siddharth pulled her towards himself and wiped her tears. 

Sid- I am here my wife, you don't have to worry.
Avu- You were even telling me to handle all these alone. How could you say that!

Sid- I am sorry. 
Avu- Okay I forgave just because I am in a good mood.

Suddenly the child cried out and Avneet got up to pick her in her arms. But she didn't stop instead she wept louder.

Sid- Give her to me.
Avneet looked at him narrowing her eyes. But to her surprise, the child stopped crying and immediately went back to sleep. 

Avu- You naughty girl! How can you.... You spend your lovely dovely time, I am leaving!
Siddharth kept the baby on her bed and held Avneet's wrist. 

Sid- She is just taking revenge. You left her and she is ignoring you. 
Avu- Clearly she loves you more! Who held her in womb bearing all the pain you or me!

Siddharth chuckled at his childish wife. 
Sid- Okay my kiddo come here. 

He pulled her and she sat beside him still pouting.
Avu- I am not a kid. I promised her that I will give her all my attention and here she is ignoring me. I even warned her not to spend all her time with you but me. God knows what will happen when she grows up.

Siddharth laughed at her. 
Avu- Don't laugh, I will bring my son and we will ignore you together!
Sid- Well then you will have to wait a year.

Avu- Huh, Why?
Sid- If we decide to get a son today, then you will have to carry him in your womb for the next 11 months and if its a girl again, you will have to again wait....

She placed her hand on his lips.
Avu- You pervert! I didn't mean that.

Sid- Maybe I took it seriously,
She punched him softly with a red tint on her cheeks.

He looked into her eyes which holds the universe for him. It has been two years now, but he still can't get over her eyes. They are the prettiest. 

He leaned and softly pecked her lips widening her eyes.

Sid(huskily)- You promised me darling. 
He said and kissed her. She blushed to his words and kissed him back. He trailed kisses down her jawline to her collarbone. Her necklace was disturbing him so he harshly opened it and pulled her closer than ever.
She tilted her head backwards. She has accepted that no matter how many years passes, he will always have the same effect on her.
She moaned softly when he nuzzled in her neck.
Her sweet scent is what he needs...her eyes are what he craves...and her lips are what he wants. 
Sid- I love you more than everything. 
Avu- Even our daughter?

He lightly smacked her forehead and they chuckled. 
Sid- Hmm....maybe?

The child wept. Avneet hurriedly got up and took her into her embrace.
Sid- Or maybe not.

She gave the child to him hoping she would get back to sleep but this time she didn't stop crying even when Siddharth took her. 

He placed her between them and she immediately stopped crying and smiled a little.
Sid- Can she understand us?
Avu- Maybe...

Sid- She loves us equally I guess?
Avu(deep breathe)- But I just got to know something.

Sid- What is it?
Avu- She won't be easy to handle. 

As she finished her sentence, the child smudged as Siddharth and Avneet stared at her confusingly whether to smile or sigh.  

Thank you for supporting me. This is my first book written on Wattpad as the previous were republished here deleting from Instagram. 
I got so much response and love that at times I cried of happiness. I feel this isn't my best, I could have written better, but its too late to regret now. Maybe I will pour my all in my next ffs. This was somewhere cringe  I know but bare me cuz when I began writing this, I was really immature. I would write standard ffs from now onward I guess. 
Keep loving and supporting me. You can also ask me for a story if you have a topic in your mind. 
Love y'all.

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