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 2 feet would hit the ground, leaving a plane which would take off soon after his feet had made contact with the oh so precious floor. 

'back off to mum and dad i guess. bye Bob, see you back in Greece if i ever return.' the boy would think, the sunglasses comfortably protecting the boy's eyes from the harsh sunlight within the area.

he would smile when he would identify a man at a black car waiting for him, his butler attire shining. the boy would walk over to the butler,  who themselves would smile back.

"welcome back master, i have been expecting your return once your mother made the call." 

"thank you Sebas, lets get moving shall we?"  the boy would say, entering the vehicle as his personal butler would start said vehicle, and they would begin moving to the boy's household.

"so, how has it been since we left for greece?"

"well, ever since you allowed us to have a break, most of the staff had left the mansion, some of them now have children. some of us had decided to stay at the mansion, making sure it stayed in tip-top condition for your inevitable return."

"anything else?"

"well, your weekly 50k payments to Isanari has helped the Uesegi family tremendously. whilst the family is no longer poor, Isanari leads futaro to believe so, hoping it would keep his acedemic standards. your father has also hired him as a work from home member, he runs the logistics for your father's company."

"well that's good, the dad never accepted anything more than 50k from me. im also Glad Futaro actually learned and now has high grades."

"well, you are a natural genius sir,  remember, all the private tutors hired by your parents were eventually learning from you, so due to the fact you taught him directly, it makes sense he kept up his good grades."

"please don't flatter me Sebas, it was the least i could do when Futaro himself was super determined to become better than he used to be. also, for the maids and butlers with family s, construct a children's room, that way they can work whilst their children learn and play."

"i shall notify the architects. and before i forget, we have an important thing to notify you of, Isanari had told us something very interesting about Futaro recently."

"oh? pray tell, what is it?"

"he has a job to tutor 5 girls, but here's the kicker. they are Nakano's children and they are the same age as you."

"get him on call now. i need a word with him."

"already done sir." Sebas would say, the sound of the call echoing within the car. eventually the man would answer, his voice coming from the speaker.

"Mudou, we need a word. i've just been informed you have had child and they are the same age as me. care to explain?"

"right, well, i was going to introduce you years ago, but my ex-wife had divorced me and remarried. she had also then passed away shortly after, im not really much in my daughters lifes anymore sadly, however, i do have the stepfather's number if you wish to talk to them?"

"send it me now, Sebas get the call working. have a good day Mudou."


the call would end, and Sebas would receive a text. he would pull over to impute the number and the call said number, the person picking up later.

"hello? who is this?"

"hold on, Marou? is that you?"

"how do you-?"

The Butterfly's wings. (Nino Nakano x malereader)Where stories live. Discover now