Dancing with Death.

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your feet crunched with every step.

it was dark, darker than you anticipated.

were you afraid?

no not really.

if anything, the lingering silence was unnerving, but not enough to freak you out.

it just caused a few goosebumps is all.

further down the path, you heard a loud scream.

you deadpanned.

'who got freaked out over this?' you thought to yourself.

it could be Itsuki, but that's impossible.

that's unless they managed to get at least 20 minutes away from you in less than 5 minutes,

and considering how Itsuki was clinging to Nino...yeah no.

you would be lying if you said you were partially jealous of Itsuki.

only because if anything, it should be Nino with you, with Nino holding your arm.

but that wouldn't happen anyway.

knowing Nino, she's probably just as bored as you are right now.

anyhow, it seemed the scream had awakened the forest.

the sound of crickets hummed in the night, and you could even hear the sound of an owl.

at least the silence was gone.

as you approached the first fork in the road, a person leapt out towards you, letting out a hideous screech.

it did less than scare you, just hurt your ears.

you stared at them.

under your gaze, they shrunk and backed away.

"go right." they told you.

you left.

'that was horrible.'

you sighed, looking away from the path infront of you for a moment in favor of rubbing your eyes and yawning.

the flashlight of your phone disappeared, leaving you in total darkness.

you checked your phone.

it was dead.

you swore you charged it before this, maybe you didn't?

'good thing i brought a flashlight.'

you checked your pocket.

'wrong pocket.'

you checked the other.

'oh for- where is this bleeding flashlight?'

you went into your other pocket of your jumper.

'ah, there it is.'

you took the flashlight out and pressed the button.

it flickered for a moment before lighting up to it's fullest.

you put your phone in your pocket and continued walking forward.

as you took a step forward, your trousers caught on something and slightly ripped, but it also cut along your leg.

'oh for fuck sake.' 

you shone the flashlight at your leg.

it was a small scrape, not bleeding at all.

you shone your flashlight back onto the path.

The Butterfly's wings. (Nino Nakano x malereader)Where stories live. Discover now