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"master (Y/n), i implore you, you have to leave your room, not only are the midterms coming up, but your friends are worried about you."

"i can't sebas! i have to get my memory back!"

"and how will staying in your room help that?"

"thats got to be something around here that could trigger something! just like that one time i saw the blood splatter!"

"Sir! you've been in your room for 5 days! i doubt you could find anything in there!"

"you don't know that! there's got to be something...ANYTHING!"


the movement on the other side ceased, before the door opened, showing a clearly irritated (y/n).

"i hate it, but you're right."

Sebas sighed at his master. he knew he was stressed from the fact he lost the majority of his memories, after all, it was showing in the boy's figure. heavy bags under the eyes, a hunched posture and destroyed hair. he wasn't taking care of himself and it left the entire mansion staff worried. the only time they saw him was for dinner before the boy went back to his room.

"sir, spend some time with your friends. we will clean your room."

"...thank you Sebas."

the butler nodded before (Y/n) walked away from his room. he called some staff and cleaned his masters room as the boy made his way to the front door and walked outside.

'god damn it...WHY... WHY CAN'T I FUCKING REMEMBER!?"

the boy began to walk around the flower garden. he looked at some flowers, feeling a vague sense of familiarity as he stared at some roses. he walked over to them kneeling don to their position.

"these were the first to bloom in the garden..." you smiled as you stared at those flowers.

before your eyes widened.

'how did i?'

you placed a hand to your head, it beginning to ring. it seemed this was the same situation from the blood stairs. you stepped away from the flowers, the pain in your head growing with each passing second.

"how did i remember that? i don't even see the memory."

'because im helping you.'

"what? who said that?"

'you will remember in due time, im just helping.'

"who are you?"

"dont worry about it. just spend time with your friends, i'll do the rest. it'll take some time though.'

the voice was gone after that. but your mind didn't stop lingering over the voice that was in your head. so you decided to go take a walk, after all, it was to late to go to school that you've skipped for 5 whole days.

during the walk, you tried to rack your brain to try and remember something, but you just got those hazy two memories of the stairs and the flowers in the garden. but after what the voice said, you determined the best thing you could do as to do what it told you to do.

due to the fact you weren't paying attention and due to being drowsy over the lack of sleep, you tripped over a lifted curb, slamming your right leg into the short metal pole fence things at the parks that have no reason to exist but just do for some reason and it fucking hurt.

like, you could walk, but it hurt like a bitch, so you knew it was best to not walk. but that brought up the fact that you will need to go back home. you didn't bring your phone because you left it inside your room on accident so there was no way of contacting anyone to come pick you up.

The Butterfly's wings. (Nino Nakano x malereader)Where stories live. Discover now