Going Camping.

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you stood at your front-door.

more specifically, infront of Futaro and his little sister Raiha.


well, you had a gut feeling that something would go wrong today.

and it would be indirectly caused by Raiha.

and because of that, Futaro would drop literally everything and cause a major problem.

you brought them inside and took Raiha away from Futaro, who was incredibly confused by your current actions.

"(y/n) are you going to explain whats wrong?"

"go to school Futaro, i'll meet you there." was your response as you walked away with Raiha in hand.

she herself was incredibly confused.

Futaro left the house reluctantly and went to school only after Raiha told him to go.

you walked into the infirmary, putting the girl into a bed just as she sneezed and felt a headache come on.

"i knew it." you spoke, tucking the girl into the bed and placing the back of your hand on her forehead. "your burning up."

her eyes lightly sparkled at you.

"do you have a super power?" she asked out softly.

you  lightly chuckled at her.

"no, i don't. I just predicated this."


"let;s be honest, something always goes wrong regrading Futaro and i'm not having him have some sort of panic episode and miss the bus for the trip and then cause me trouble."

she lightly laughed and you stood up to get her a cup of water.

you sat back down by her side, placing the cup near her lips so she could drink some.

the door opened, and a woman walked in.

"Master (Y/n)?"

they then looked down, seeing you caring for the girl.

Raiha looked at the woman, and her eyes sparkled once more.

"miss Chika!"

Chika smiled at her, and she took your position next to Raiha.

"hello there Raiha. are you feeling okay?"

"i think im a little sick.."

Chika looked at you and nodded her head.

"i'll look after you then."


you left the room shortly after and began making you way to school once you made absolutely sure Raiha would have the best care possible.

however, before you did leave the room Raiha had given you two charms she made. one for you, the other for Futaro.

you were basically forced out the house by Sebas when your time of getting there was quickly dwindling.

as you walked, you had the feeling  that you were being watched.

and so, you kept your guard up, pretending to be completely unaware by going on your phone.

oh, and they weren't your staff.

somehow, someway, you could always tell if it was your staff keeping an eye on you through a feeling in your back.

normally, there was none.

but now, your spine had sent a wave of electricity rocketing through your back, alerting you to the potentially hostile gaze.

The Butterfly's wings. (Nino Nakano x malereader)Where stories live. Discover now