Festivals And Games.

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its been a few days since Nino and (y/n)'s situation had ended,  and (y/n) was currently getting himself dressed in a Yukata, with the help of Sebas. you see, there was a fireworks festival going on today, it was meant to be the day Futaro got his first paycheck, but it had been delayed for unknown reasons, meaning today was the festival.

the Yukata he was wearing had rose patterns on it. it was his favorite flower and it was also the first flower to grow in the garden, and he took a natural liking to it. for some reason, one of the staff thought it would have been funny to give (y/n) bright red lipstick, but (y/n) accepted it instead stating he looked fabulous and noone shall say otherwise, meaning the staff's joke kinda backfired, but they both had a laugh afterwards. (y/n) didn't take it off ever, deciding to keep it on because why not.

(y/n) was extremely happy for today. not only because its a festival that he uses to remember his grandparents, but also because his parents had come back to Japan to celebrate the festival with him. so after he was done getting dressed, he was led down the stairs by a maid as he could never get down the stairs with the traditional shoes one wears with a Yukata. he saw both of his parents at the door, each of them wearing their own Yukata or a Kimono.

the three of them then began their walk to the festival's location, with his mum and dad commenting on the lipstick the boy was wearing, causing him to chuckle slightly and explain himself.

"oh right, before i forget Sebas was told me you have a crush." his Mum would say, placing a hand on her cheek and smiling at him.

you would blush, and your mum would run her hand through your hair as you walked. she eventually stopped when the 3 of you arrived at the festival. the 3 of you decided to get food, so you walked over to a stall and ordered some Taiyaki for you all to enjoy. your Dad would pay for it and the 3 of you would continue your walk through the area, staying close to each other in order to not lose each other. unfortunately, you stopped on someone's foot on accident, and apologized to them, your parents watching as you bowed in apology.

however, when your name was called, you looked up, seeing Futaro and his sister along with the Nakano's. but your gaze would linger on Nino, who you just so happened to step on. you were stunned, seeing Nino wear her Kimono left you without words, and you mum noticed, smirking to herself as she walked up to you, your dad following behind.


everyone would see the woman behind you, and they themselves would be confused, but when your parents would introduce themselves, everyone minus Futaro and Raiha, as they already knew them, would introduce themselves back. your mum would make her way over to Nino, informing her that she looked absolutely stunning and that she would love to see her more often. afterwards, your mum would go back over to you, whispering in your ear.

"The rumor about girls not wearing anything underneath their Kimono is true ya know."

your face would explode in red as the mental image of Nino wearing nothing underneath entered your brain, and it caused you to lightly shove your mum, playfully may i add, and hide your face. your dad would sigh scolding your mother who would just giggle to herself. for obvious reasons, everyone would be confused on why (y/n) was hiding his face but he would take a deep breath, removing the image from his mind and look back at everyone, smiling at them and closing his eyes.

"why are you wearing lipstick (y/n)?" Nino would inquire, slightly tilting her head to the side as she generally wondered why. after all, it was the first thing she noticed, and not how she caught herself calling him handsome, the lipstick was definitely first.

you would smirk, leaning forward and looking her in the eyes, your hair slightly obscuring your view as you whispered low enough for only the two of you to hear.

The Butterfly's wings. (Nino Nakano x malereader)Where stories live. Discover now