Deepening Friendships.

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"where are we going Futaro?"

the quintuplets and Futaro were walking towards (y/n)'s mansion, although only Futaro knew that, as for some reason he didn't tell any of them what they were doing or where they were going.

they didn't even know (y/n) was sick to begin with. the quintuplets believed he just skipped school for some reason.. the sisters did notice how Futaro kept checking his phone during any free time during the day, and it concerned Miku, as it seems Fu did a complete 180 in terms of regular attitude.

it even got to point Nino was a little concerned, but only because he never talked about studying, which seemed few and far between whenever he was around.

Futaro didn't answer Yotsuba's question for a short while, before explaining to them that they were going to visit (y/n) because he was sick.

"you do realise we are on private property though right?" Nino would inquire, looking at Futaro curiously as he replied nonchalantly.

"of course i do." he would reply casually walking further and further into said private property like he owned he place.

eventually, a voice would alert the 6 from the intercom at the gates they just arrived at. it instructed them to state their identity admittedly, the sisters were a little curious on what futaro would do they would be surprised when he calmly stated his name. then, the person on the intercom would shift his focus on the 5 girls behind him, telling them that they also have to state their names. however, before they even ha to speak, another voice would emit from the intercom, although it was telling the original voice they have clearance to enter by Sebas.

so, the gates would open as none other than Sebas himself would step out, greeting the six and inviting them in. he would then ask Futaro how his family was doing, with Futaro reporting that they were doing fine.

"hey wait wait wait!" everyone would look at Nino, who was understandably confused. "whats going on!?"

"you're here to visit master (y/n) or you not?"

everyone minus Futaro would look at Sebas in a sort of shock. Futaro and Sebas would begin to leave them behind as they would have begun walking, eventually passing the gates. eventually, the sisters would have followed after them, the gates closing behind them as the looked around, noting the luscious garden and the people walking around wearing maid or butler uniforms. there would also be some construction  work going on in the left. Sebas and Futaro would be having a conversation infront of the sisters but they were unable to hear what they were talking about. Miku would have walked over to them, being the only sister to hear them talk. it would be revealed that (y/n) had a crush on Nino and Futaro would tell Sebas which one it was, and he would glance back, scanning her before nodding his head in what seems to be approval.

eventually, they would reach the mansion at the end of the front garden. a maid would open the door for them and they would walk through. the halls would be occupied by the staff who would be cleaning or taking a drink. some of the staff would take the bags they came in with, with Futaro gladly allowing them to and the sisters following his example.

what would surprise them the most would be when a child would walk by wearing a maid outfit, being accompanied by another maid that would be helping them clean up. before anyone would raise the concern of the child maid, Sebas himself would speak up over the mater.

"we had saved that child from an abusive father.  we had given her the opportunity to live normally within the estate but for some reason they chose to do this. we have yet to understand why she decided to become a maid."

The Butterfly's wings. (Nino Nakano x malereader)Where stories live. Discover now