Patience. Also Midterms. Fuck Midterms.

338 11 15

"mama, who's he?"

a boy would ask, holding his mother's hand as they walked outside the school gates.

"he might be someone's sibling. he could be here to pick them up." the mother said, a kind smile on her face.

you see, (y/n) was picking up Raiha from school today. her father was busy with work and Futaro was tutoring today. you were requested by Futaro himself to pick up Raiha, and you told Nino that you were going to be late due to it.

Nino had pouted at this, folding her arms and looking away as (y/n) ran a finger along his cheek whilst chuckling awkwardly.

and so, here he was, standing at the gates and waiting patiently for Raiha to appear. he was on his phone for a while, texting Nino who had been watching Futaro attempt to gather his sisters and fail miserably. it was clear to see from her texts that she was enjoying watching Futaro fail. little did you know she was the direct cause.

it even brought a smile to his face when she sent a picture of a dejected Futaro with Miku sitting next to him, as if patting his back to console him. you replied with a crying face, but then a crying laughing face. you were only brought away from the screen when someone called your name.

"(Y/n)? you came to pick me up?" 

you looked down, seeing Raiha walk over to you. you pulled your sunglasses up so she could see your eyes and winked at her before placing them back down.

"hey slowflake! how was school today?" you would ask, pocketing your phone after telling Nino you had to go for a little bit.

Raiha walked up to you, grabbing your hand as they two of you began walking back to the Uesugi family house. the two of you kept talking as you strolled to the home. before you forgot, you grabbed the bag that was on your arm and grabbing an ice cream from it, giving it to her.

eventually you arrived to the house, and Raiha entered the home, forcing (y/n) to come in for abit. when they got in, the both of them watched the man of the house sitting down on a computer, seemingly hard at work. he even forgot to say hello as whatever he was doing was far to important.

you were there for a while, but that ended when you got a message from Itsuki. when you opened it, you dropped your phone, the light in your eyes faded as you sat there, frozen. eventually, you picked the phone back up and slowly began leaving.


"i've gotta go...important things have emerged...."

you left the house, suddenly dashing towards the Nakano household. when you made it, you spam called the apartment and was let in by ichika, and you then proceeded to get in the lift and head up to the floor they were on. 

the second the lift opened, you rushed to the door and basically busted it open. everyone would look at you as you lunged forward jumping over the table to Futaro, however, before you made it, Itsuki had grabbed you by the waist, stopping you from beating the shit out of Futaro.

Nino on the other hand, was actively trying to get Itsuki to get off you, meaning you would beat the shit out of Futaro.  eventually,, you stopped, wrapping your arms around Nino's shoulders and pulling her to you, resting your head on her shoulder as you hissed like a cat at Futaro. Nino blushed as you held her tight, and your cheek squished her own.

"your honour, may we start the case now?" Nino asked,in which Ichika agreed.

you sat by Nino's side as she told the story, coming up with the accusation that Futaro was intentionally pretended to leave, and waited for her, or Miku, to come out of the shower and assault them. by this point, (y/n) was very close to attacking Futaro again, but he was stopped when Miku gave him an alibi and he pouted.

The Butterfly's wings. (Nino Nakano x malereader)Where stories live. Discover now