Back To Old Ways. Also, Finding Something New.

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potential lemon next chapter. he doesnt know.

you sick fucks honestly write lemons with fictional characters?


thats the only compliment you will get from me.

original (y/n) out!

you're eyes shot upon, and you practically threw yourself up. you were in the infirmary, and noone but two of you were around.


"you're here?"

"yup. you remember everything now?"

you nodded your head, and he did the same in acknowledgement. he then sighed.

"honestly, it seems all of you guys get injured somehow some goddamn way. hell one of them just experienced a nightmare and actively injured themselves, and then you lose your memories! whats next, 115 gets their arm ripped off!?"

"aint our fault, everyone gets hurt."

"that is indeed true, but its always the most extreme. second lost his leg, you lose your memories, false god has a nightmare that makes him try to oof himself, next one on the chopping block is 115. admittedly i hope nothing happens to the poor child."

"then why dont you intervene directly?"

"because my tale is over. it wouldn't make much sense for me to do something so drastic."

"basically you dont care and are fine with us being potentially killed or seriously injured?"

"you make me sound like a villain. obviously i care about you lot, you are all basically my children to a certain extent. thing is, i want to let you guys life live without any godly intervention."

"our entire lives is godly intervention. AND you helped me get my memories back"


"got it."

original stood up, stretching his arms.

"aight, ima head off. i've done what i came here for to begin with."

"you seem lightly scared to go back. your leg is shaking."

"lets just say my wife has a large sex drive."

"your gonna die."

"been there, done that. and i cant die in that universe so..."

"good luck."

"either i will, or she will. so thanks."

a portal opened up infront of him, and he turned around.

"see ya-"

a hand shot through the portal, grabbing Original's collar before pulling him through the portal, it  closing behind him.

"..i pray to god Nino isn't like that."

you got out the bed, moving over to the mirror.

'why is there a mirror in here? you know what i dont care.'

you looked at yourself, deadpanning.

"i look like a dead raccoon.'

you weaved your hand through your hair, making it not look like you just scraped a balloon across it.

'where is everyone? normally Sebas would be here....he always had a sixth sense on knowing when im awake."


The Butterfly's wings. (Nino Nakano x malereader)Where stories live. Discover now