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You sat in bed, bored out of your goddamn mind.

it was a Tuesday, yet you were prohibited from going to school due to your recent injuries and kidnapping.

so here you were...forced into your bed to recover, alone.

you literally couldn't do anything.

you didn't have the tv remote, and you weren't allowed to play any games. 

you didn't have your phone as that was charging.

so you were just here waiting for Nino to come back from school.

you and her have a deal that after every school day she would come visit you for a while.

if anything, it was the most anticipated thing for the entire day.

your staff had your attendance covered though, seeing you just came down with a very bad cold.

it was without a doubt the most boring thing ever. especially as your uncle and cousin left the mansion.

at least you had your dog who was lying next to you.

Lumos practically never left your side whenever you were alone, so you often ran your hand through its fur whilst daydreaming.

you were glad Lumos was so calm.

the dog never jumped around, but if it ever did it was always mindful of you, making sure it was not whilst it was on the bed, and not close to the bed either.

after all, your body still hurt, so if the dog accidentally jumps on you whilst messing around it will hurt quiet alot.

it did it once on accident because you tried to get out of bed, you weren't allowed to mind you, whilst it was messing around.

it made you sad when she dejectedly looked down and whined, her tail no longer swaying and her ears drooping, so you did your best to cheer the dog up.

it didn't take much though, just a little scratch behind the ear. she gave you a kiss afterwards, albeit a very small one because she wanted to avoid hurting you.

so she just licked your finger as her kiss and it melt your heart to see.

after that moment, Lumos just lays down next to you, and you lay next to it, it's head resting next to your own and your hand running through it's fur.

"hey Lumos, could you get my phone for me?" you asked the dog.

you see, you made the realization that the dog was incredibly intelligent and that it could understand every word you say.

you found that out when you expressed your boredom yesterday and tried to reach for your phone, although it was pretty obvious you wouldn't be able to reach it.

and so Lumos sprung into action and got it for you for that.

you rewarded it with alot of petting.

Lumos sat up before it jumped of your bed, making it's way to your desk and jumping onto the chair.

it then jumped up onto the desk and carefully removed the charger, grabbing your phone and bringing it back to you.

you thanked Lumos who lay down again and you turned your phone on.


 you sighed in irritation and fell backwards, your head hitting the pillow.

'ow!' yeah you hurt yourself doing that. 'god damn it.'

you were so goddamn bored.

'at least she'll be here soon.' you thought to yourself, closing your eyes. 'ima sleep for a bit.'

The Butterfly's wings. (Nino Nakano x malereader)Where stories live. Discover now