Embarrassment At Its Finest.

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today was a Monday. and (y/n) wished it wasn't. for you see, (y/n) spent the majority of the weekend in his room, screaming into his pillow due to embarrassment.

you see, he remembered everything from when he was ill. normally he doesn't, but this time he did. and he definitely remembered pulling Nino into his arms when he was half asleep. and that caused him to sit alone in his room and just scream into his pillow as stated before.

now he was in his school uniform, dreading going to school as that would mean coming face to face with the entire reason he was embarrassed. however, he took a deep breath and prepared himself.

but it didn't work. no matter what he did, his mind lingered back to friday and he had half a mind to skip school that day. however, he slapped himself, saying he has to face it and overcome it. so he would leave his room, heading to the front door and leaving. he made it outside of his house before slamming his head into a wall and screaming in his mind.

'WHY DID I DO THAT!?!?!!??!?'

his head was now bleeding, but he didn't care as he walked forward. he did get it wrapped up when a maid noticed his bleeding forehead and forced the boy to dress it. after doing so did he actually leave the property, making his way to school.

when he made it he walked straight in. he didn't bother waiting for the girls as he wanted to mentally prepare himself a little more. he entered his classroom, placing his bag down and held his face in his hands. he was trying to figure out what exactly to do in this situation. at the end of the day, there wasn't actually much for him to do. his response will be dictated by how Nino reacts to him today, and he can't prepare for it, as Nino could be a complete enigma at times, no doubt she would be now.

even if nothing happens at school today, he has to tutor Nino today since it was meant to be friday, but (y/n)'s illness prevented that. so he will have to face her one way or another. he sat there patiently waiting, and eventually there was only 5 minutes until school started. that was when Nino walked through the door. she noticed you, looked away with a slight blush and sat down on her desk, which was next to yours so it added to the layer of awkwardness. both of you were blushing yet hiding your faces from the outside world.

the thing that made it worse, is when you had History that day, you had to be in pairs, which made you and Nino pairs. you would have awkwardly put your desk next to hers, staring up at the ceiling as you sat back down.


that would be the only words in the entire conversation. as they then begun to do the work they had to do in silence, which was unnatural for them, as (y/n) would always seem to annoy her in lesson whenever he could, and the classmates were wondering what happened between the two to cause such awkwardness. it was never this quite in the class and quite frankly they missed the noise.

so the class, and even the teacher, created a plan. that plan would be to remove the awkwardness. they even had a talk about how they were going to do it in the classroom, the teacher telling them what they can and can't do in obligation of rules. they came up with one idea, but that itself could cause problems.

you see, the class had actually begun to ship the two together, so there best option to fix whatever the hell was going on was to get one of them jealous to the point they are no longer awkward. problem is, which one of them would be jealous enough to act? and not only that, but how will they execute the plan? not only that, but they have to make sure the sacrifice to this plan doesn't actually die, because you know for a fact if one of them was jealous it would be horrifying for the person that caused the jealously.

however, one brave soul nominated himself as sacrifice. declaring that for his OTP he shall do anything required. so with the sacrifice chosen, the class split themselves into groups, they need to make sure (y/n) hears the fake confession. whilst another group limits rumor spread of Nino and the sacrifice going out. lastly, the teacher would attempt to limit student traffic within that area to further aid the plan. they decided lunch time, which was within less than 20 minutes, would be the perfect time.

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