Nothing Has Changed.

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you, Nino and Sebas all sat down on the jet.

you held Nino's hand as you stared out the window, looking down at the mass of water below.

you were on your way back to Japan.

you remained silent on the ride back home, instead enjoying the sensation of Nino's soft hand against your own.

you were still a little peeved at Sebas though, which is one of the reasons you've favoured staring out into the endless abyss that is the ocean.

however, a strong sigh broke the silence.

"Sebas." you spoke.

"yes, sir?"

"look, i'm sorry. i was just really pissed you kept me in the dark." you spoke, finally making eye contact with the man.

he nodded his head at you, as if understanding your reasoning.

"however, i can't deny what you did was the right course of action. and you did also allow me to enjoy my trip. so for that...i thank you."

for once, you bowed to him.

"forgive me."

Sebas stared at you in silence.

"there is no need for me to forgive you. you were in an emotional state."


"it is okay." he quickly cut you off.

you sat back up, allowing a small smile.

"thanks. and for the record, i forgive you."

"i'm glad you do, sir."

Nino was proud.

super, duper proud!

she lightly squeezed your hand, and you did so back.

"and thanks for bringing Nino. i don't know how i would have handled it without her."

"it is no problem."

Nino gave Sebas a thumbs up.

you looked at Nino, also smiling at her.

she looked at you and did the same.

you heard Sebas chuckle.

"when's the wedding?" he asked.

you turned to him, a blush on your face. Nino was also blushing, yet looking away.

"i will strangle you."

he smirked at you.

"i said, when's the wedding?"

"i don't fuckin' know! like a year or something!?"

'only a year!?' Nino thought to herself. 'WHEN DOES HE PLAN TO GET ENGAGED!?'

"really? so early?" Sebas inquired. " i thought you would have waited a while longer."

"i know what i desire Sebas. and when i do, i take it!"

"so you want to marry Nino then no?"

"i- shut up!"

Sebas was living for this right now.

he loved this.

he had planned to ask you this later on, but before you left for Japan, your mother ordered him to ask today and then tell her the results.

'she's going to be ecstatic.' he thought to himself, imagining your mother kicking her feet like a school girl after hearing the news he will have to send to her.'

The Butterfly's wings. (Nino Nakano x malereader)Where stories live. Discover now