Trouble Before The Exam.

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"why...are you  STILL HERE?"

"why not?"

you looked at the girl who was scrolling through the phone.


"then just get out." she said nonchalantly.

you shoved your head in the water to hide your blush at her words.  but you took a deep breath shortly afterwards. you looked at her, smiling slightly at her beauty. after that, you sighed stretching your arms as you desperately wait for her to leave.

but she never did, and you were there for a good 10 minutes sat in silence as you looked at her. she was completely ignorant to your gaze, knowing exactly what you wanted her to do but she just decided not to because it was fun to see you so flustered.

after all, its normally the other way around, with you doing the flirting and teasing with her recoiling backwards, so it was a fresh change of pace for her and she quite frankly enjoyed seeing you so embarrassed.

so as you lay there, waiting for her to leave, you made the realization she wouldn't leave until she was satisfied with whatever she was doing. you glared at her, trying to figure out just what exactly she wanted to gain from doing this. your only logical guess was the fact she wanted to see you embarrassed, and you had another guess, although a much more lewd one of wanting to see you naked.

you ruled out the second one right after you thought it, a you had a feeling she would be way to flustered to even attempt that scheme if she did ever think of it and even try to see it through. so there you were, staring at your girlfriend who was on her phone, whilst half of your face was submerged into the water, waiting for her to leave so you could leave the bath.

but again, it was clear she was not leaving, so you decided to take matters into your own hands. you sighed mentally counting to 3 as you prepared yourself.

Nino, who managed to catch a glimpse at you mouthing to yourself, raised an eyebrow, but her eyes widened and she turned away when you stood up, your entire body in view if she wished to peak.

"im getting out now." you said, feeling a small smirk overtake you as you saw Nino look away frm you, her hands over her face as a large blush erupted over her face.

you got out of the bath, pulling the plug so the water could leave the bath as you grabbed a towel, wrapping it around your waist and then proceeding. to dry your hair with the towel. you knew you had to dry yourself off here as well, as you didn't want Futaro and the other sisters to see you wearing nothing but a towel, but it was awkward as Nino was in here with you.

however, you huffed, proceeding to dry yourself as your eyes never felt Nino's hidden face. you caught her snatching a glimpse at you, and you proceeded to tease her about it the second she did it, although you yourself were blushing heavily as you did so.

only after your relentless teasing did she leave, which allowed you to dry yourself in peace. and for that yo u were glad, putting on your clothes after drying and then leaving the room, being met by the 5 sisters and Futaro, with Nino staring at the floor blushing hard, although there was a ghost of a smile on her lips, something you did manage to see. you sat down at the table were the 4 sisters and futaro were playing a game about life, and just like before, Futaro was flat broke, although he was starting to make up some money within the game  as he managed to create a successful business due to his hard work ethic...huh, how fitting of him.

anyway, you sat down next to him, watching the game progress, and my god did it go slowy, for some reason, Futaro was just getting super lucky spaces, and it made Futaro rich. sadly Miku got super unlucky ad was poor. but little did they know, Futaro was slipping her some money without anyone knowing, but you were able to catch it. 

The Butterfly's wings. (Nino Nakano x malereader)Where stories live. Discover now