Next Steps.

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there is lemon at the start, yada yada whatever.

and he wont be using proper terminology like vagina like he did in his other one.

so expect alot of 'pussy' 'tits' and 'dick' i guess.

it will also be kinda long-ish

your eyes were closed, enjoying the close proximity of Nino. her head was rested on your shoulder, and she was still watching youtube video's on the phone.

you were still wondering if you were going to take her offer of having sex with her.

you felt like the relationship had progressed, but hitting fourth base was a little to quick at this moment in time.

but you couldn't deny the fact you did kinda want to skip 3rd base and go straight to home base.

after all, it seemed she was fine with it herself.

that and she was just too fucking sexy not to lust after.

and your staff seemed to want to have you do it considering that one guy gave you a fucking condom. a few minutes earlier.

that and the fact he gave you more than one.

you opened your eyes, looking down towards Nino who has snuggled her head towards your neck by this point. you moved one arm around her head, your fingers tracing her neck.

she looked down at said fingers in mild surprise, wondering what you were doing. her confusion skyrocketed when your other hand lifted her head and made her sit up. she went to turn her head to you, but you forbid her from doing so by lightly placing a finger on her cheek and indicating for her not to look at you.

you yourself were trying to figure out what to do right now, you would be lying if you told yourself you weren't going to take her offer, and you were honestly about to.

you just dont now to initiate it through actions just yet. so you were trying to brainstorm options.

although your tracing fingers gave you an idea. you felt a slight smirk emerge on your face.

Nino was still looking away from you, wondering just what the hell you were doing. you sat up, moving one of your hands to your mouth for a second before removing it. you would move your hand to her shoulder and place it there.

"(y/n), what are yo-"

she didnt finish her sentence as you moved forward and nibbled onto her neck. she didn't know how to respond, and her mind was having a meltdown.

a good breakdown though, she was very happy over what was going on. and was anticipating what was about to happen.

she moved her hand to the back of your head, as if inviting you to continue your assault on her neck. her nails had scratched your head as she grabbed the back of your head.

she was surprised when you suddenly pinned her to the bed so she was now laying back down. you moved to the other side of her neck, marking that side as well. you licked your lips when you were finished and allowed her to stare straight at you.

for reference her legs were spread so their was enough room for you to place your legs. so your knee was quite close to her pussy, so much so you could feel the fabric of her clothing on your knee.

she was breathing heavily, and moved a hand to feel the marks on her neck.

'huh, she looks really good with love bites.' you thought to yourself.

The Butterfly's wings. (Nino Nakano x malereader)Where stories live. Discover now