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"alright, what's got you so down Butterfly?"

your hand weaved through her hair as you brushed it.

"you of all people don't get moody, like at all."

she looked over her shoulder at you.

"don't get me wrong, everyone can get moody. but you normally don't."

she sighed and looked down.

"it's just...everything that's happened."

your movements slowed down slightly.

"it's all happened to fast. i never really got the chance to recover mentally."

"and right now, you're in the process of it?"

"i think so...yeah."

you gently smiled ta her.

"i'll be with you every step of the way."

she seemingly sighed in content.

you moved to the side and placed her butterfly ribbon into her hair.

"there. as beautiful as always."


she stood up out of the chair and lightly stretched.

"how are you adapting?" she asked.


"i mean, you did lose a finger on both hand."

you hummed and looked down at your hand.

"honestly, it was easy. it was only the pinky, if it was any other finger it would be harder to get used to."

as if to emphasis your point, you picked up a pencil and spun it around your hand effortlessly.

she nodded her head and gave you a small, kind smile.

"alright, next question."

"let me guess, how am i going to tell school i lost them?"

"i doubt they would accept a 'bad cold' took your fingers."

you laughed.

"i just have to say i had an accident."

she grabbed her school bag, and you did the same.

"so, what did i miss since being gone?"

"not much, although we do have a camping trip coming up soon."

"wonderful. camping."

"what? not like camping or something?"

"it's boring a majority of the time."

you both left Nino's room and headed down the stairs.

the other quints were waiting.

they all looked at you in confusion.

"when did you get here?" Miku asked.

"last night."

they all let out a small 'oh' at the revelation.

"wait, last night?"

"yeah. Nino let me in."

the quints looked at Nino with a small smirk.

"what? a lady does what a lady wants."

they seemed to drop it after that as you all left for school.

you ran into Futaro along the way ad engaged in casual conversation.

The Butterfly's wings. (Nino Nakano x malereader)Where stories live. Discover now