SP Chapter Nine X Rodtang : Unconsciously, it's beginning. Part 2

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'And... to be continued'

At almost 8 p.m. , after Nine and Rodtang separate ways from two school friends from the Prachuap grilled duck shop, a regular restaurant where they had just had dinner together. The younger child complained all the way about how he was too full and couldn't eat anymore. Nine laughed at this helpless glutton who is walking slowly, as he struggled to keep up.

Soon the gray-black escalator of Saphan Taksin BTS station appeared to the eye. The cold wind that blows through the panting took the cold air to hit both bodies until they had to hurry to reach their destination quickly...

"P' is going to Thonburi station, how bout you?" It was Rodtang as usual who spoke up to break the silence, while inserting a smart pass card to go up and wait for the train above

"Anything is fine "

"Oh Why?"

"Four more stops are already down. In fact, I can sit on the motortaxi." Nine replied plainly, while inserting the ticket gate. Then he kept the ticket into his pocket, thinking that its warm inside, slip his hands into his pockets too.

"Hoh, its just nearby my condo, next time can I come over and play?" The white face of the smiling boy asked sheepishly. The other party just burst out laughing.

"You're not welcome. My house is not a playground."

"Whaaa when will you stop being so mean like this? It's been a long time after work hours already!" A loud cry of protest from Rodtang. When Nine see that calm and sober face, it looks like a replica from cheerleading practice, which makes Nine want to provoke and make them lose their temper even more.

"Why? Do you have a problem with my face?"

This as**...no matter what I still can't curse at a senior.

At this moment, Rodtang is still thinking of an evil plan to tease the tall man in front of him. Whether it be.... Pretending that there is a spider on his back and see his reaction when he screams out loud, it will be funny... it will be a great gossip... If he doesn't believe it, maybe tickle his belly to make him laugh out loud?.... its not worth it, he might not be the ticklish kind, or if he's very ticklish person, he might laugh harder and it might hurt his wound more......Speaking of his wounds....Rodtang sneakily took a peek at the tall boy's right leg again.

It's still red but not as bright and clear as during the day. It seems that the wound has gradually dried up, forming some scaly edges. But the green bruise with a sprained leg still worrisome. (I can see his swollen ankle too) Deep down in his heart, Rodtang is still worried. And he feels guilty that he caused this 'who was not very close to him senior' to bleed. Because of his arrogance and carelessness, even knowing full well that the man in front of him didn't think much of it anymore.

"How's the wound?"

Nine turned and raised his eyebrows in surprise at the owner of the slender face beside him, Strange person... suddenly speaking like that. "

"It's ok, as you can see."

"Ohoh, P'...please answer nicely... I mean does it hurt a lot? Is your ankle okay? I see you limping around since we left school."

Nine looked back at those chocolate brown eyes. He looked sincerely puzzled and sometimes surprised at himself for agreeing to do something as simple as repeating what Rodtang said.

"The abrasion is fine, but my ankle hurts, so I'll go back to bed and rest for the night, it'll be better"

Rodtang nodded in response just as the train approaches. There were quite a few people in the station at this time. As for the people getting off the bus, there are only sporadic as well. They both just ended the conversation., before stepping through the door into the bogie. There are not many empty chairs interspersed with people sitting. These scenes both Nine and the Rodtang are something they are used to. Because it's so close to the terminus, even during rush hour, there are fewer people like this on a regular basis. But today was a little unfortunate. The bogie they walked in left only one empty chair. It's not necessary to walk to another cabin, just one more station and then get off.

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