Chapter 29 : Is this LOVE?

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[Tee POV]

"Ai'Tee....I've been wondering for a long time. How are you and Fuse?" P'Champ sked me as we walked out of the locker room together, the sound of laughter and excitement echoing in the background. I just handed my cell phone to my little buddy for a moment and got hit with a playful shove. Oh, those feisty champs, they're always good for a laugh. I've been with them the whole time, laughing all along. I want to see them tease others, it's always entertaining. But now it's almost 2 o'clock, which means we'll be competing soon. Even as a substitute, I need to warm up with my friends first. It's a good opportunity since P'Champ needs to coordinate with the other side. So, I decided to walk along. It's equally good... Having friends to talk to constantly helps reduce the excitement to a certain extent.

"Why am I with Fuse? What do you mean?" I smiled back embarrassedly instead of answering properly. It was so incredibly embarrassing just now. Embarrassing like... um, I can't even find the right words. I appeared calm because I usually handle situations well, but honestly, I've never been this embarrassed before. It's giving me a similar feeling to a wedding ceremony, you know? I don't know how to explain it exactly (in terms of emotions). Such a public kiss on the cheek. But Fuse was teased by a friend that much I don't know if the person will be willing or not as well. Nevertheless, I still receive full support and encouragement. With them cheering me on like this, my body feels invigorated and energized, ready to take on anything.

"Hey, you see me as a close friend, right? There's no need to act all distant like that, just like that damn Fuse person. In the past, I asked Fuse the same thing, and he said there was nothing going on. But now, after seeing it with my own eyes, I think there must be something more. I mean, look at earlier when he was being all affectionate with you. Your face showed that you enjoyed it and became aware, right?" Um... It's getting complicated like this. I can't handle it properly at all. I don't want to reject it completely, but I don't know how to define this relationship differently.

"Please don't dismiss it like that. You're my closest friend, you know? I want to say it, but I don't know how to express it properly..." I walked down slowly, pondering and reflecting on the question from my nearby friend.

The more I think about it, the more my forehead furrows in confusion. No matter how much I ponder, I still have no idea what to call this feeling I have for Fuse. From that day until now, it hasn't diminished in the slightest. It only seems to grow each day. I've never felt this way before, where I want to give my heart and life to someone so much, not even with my first love or anyone else I've encountered... No one has ever had such a profound influence on me like this.

But when it comes to defining love, who has set the definition and what is it exactly? I still don't know if I've ever truly experienced genuine love. The more I think about it, the more confused I become. But if I were to mention the word "love" right now... It's not the charming and radiant face of Fuse that comes to my mind first...

"Then let me ask you directly. Do you love him in that way? Not as friends, I mean. Not like how we've known each other since elementary school... Like... romantically? Two guys together, what do they call it? I'm not sure, I can't explain it accurately. But do you understand, right?" I paused for a moment, hoping to comprehend... Maybe? "Then answer me this... How do you truly feel about Fuse?"

"Um...heh...I do want to answer you directly. But I... I don't know if I truly love him in that way, you know? I mean... Fuse is the first guy who made me feel like this. I want to be close to him, take care of him, wish him goodnight every night, see him smile. And I want to make him smile every day. Sometimes, I want to hug him... comfort him. Or maybe just be there for him when he's feeling down... But I don't see how a close friend could do these things. It's hard to explain..."

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