Chapter 28 : Speechless

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Note to all: verryyy loong chapter

As soon as that jerk Tee walked out, the entire room erupted with intense commotion. The cause wasn't something far-fetched, it was those damn friends of his. They've been teasing and messing around with each other, making me laugh so hard that my stomach hurts like crazy, just like that dumb ai'Mo a few minutes ago, huh! And to top it off, the horrifying wedding vows of that ai'dtern and Lily (everyone should see for themselves why they're called the 'Wedding Vow Horror Couple' hehe...) That cursed ai'S, the unfortunate third wheel, then opened the door and walked in. Hahaha, damn, they're hilarious! I just realized that its incredibly handsome face is a national danger level threat, and now this happens. (My friend isn't just some ordinary guy, he's a high-ranking prince, Grammy MV. There are several of them, by the way). These fabulous queens are so glamorous, I want to "encourage" them. We're trembling with excitement, and not just glamorous, they rush over to surround us in a whirlwind! Oh, it's so good. It's the fault of their irresistibly beautiful and captivating faces that I have to endure this. Huhuhu... And on top of that, during that Elsa moment, the queen, bigger than an elephant, chased after that cursed Sys, making it run around the room. Then it bumped into that dumb Mo, and my friend, being the scaredy-cat he is, ended up in the arms of that fabulous queen instead. The whole room burst into laughter!!! I laughed so hard that if there were any mirrors around, it wouldn't be surprising if they shattered. Our laughter, it's just something else. (Ha...)

The game in the nearby field is about to start, so the technical team returns to their positions at the monitor. This prompts us to suggest that we should collect the remains of cultural artifacts, foam boxes, water bottles, and crumpled tissue papers and dispose of them properly, to take care of our own environment for a moment.

I and ai'Wit come out to help the welfare team by carrying black bags and putting the lunch boxes (all gone) of the younger ones. I sneak a glance around the field and see Tee sitting with his own theme in one corner of the bench. He is stretching and listening to playing techniques from the coach. It's extremely easy to notice because he is much fairer than others, by two or three levels. I still wonder how he can play football and maintain such agility under the sun. Maybe it's a secret of the universe. Who knows...

After leaving the black bags next to the trash bin under the stainless steel sink (waiting for them to be collected again), ai'wit and I turned to look at each other for a moment before simultaneously complaining about stomach pain. Without any prior agreement, we decided it would be better to go to the restroom first...

"Um... so where is the restroom?" I asked.

"Are you kidding me? Who said the restroom is downstairs?" ai'Wit questioned as we descended two floors without any sign indicating the way.

Just when I was about to say something... "isn't it you who told me!" I turned and pointed at my friend next to me.

In response, he vehemently denied, "No, it's not me, you fool! Where did you get that idea? I've never mentioned it!"

"Well, it's you!! Uh... or maybe not... um... I don't know," I said, becoming confused myself...

"Wow, is that really necessary? And there's no need to act all cutesy with me, I'm not ai'Tee! Go down one more floor if you're not convinced," ai'Wit looked upset and muttered a long string of complaints before storming down the stairs. Oh, and what this have to do with Tee? He ran away... He didn't explain the situation, that jerkkk

"Is it my fault? And another thing, you...!!!" I stopped mid-sentence as ai'Wit grabbed my neck and forcefully covered my mouth. He gave me a surprised look and raised a finger in a 'shush' gesture. His face showed astonishment as though he saw P'Aum*, Patchrapa, then nodded a few times towards the downstairs. Hmm, what's so interesting there? If it's not interesting enough like P'Aum, I'll smack you.

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