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"Mmph," you grunted, crumbling another sheet of paper and tossing it into the ever growing pile in the corner of your bedroom. You just couldn't seem to get any lyrics out.

As a writer, producer, and overall lover of music, it was frustrating that none of your ideas seemed to stick. You had set a deadline for yourself. Finish 2 songs by the end of March. It was now May. And no, you didn't finish a single song.

Oh, how you loved music. You grew up listening to every genre. You wanted a guitar before you could really even fit your arms around one and reach the strings. As a kid you would beg your parents to bring you to grandma's house so you could slam your fingers on the keys of her grand piano. And to see your lovely grandmother, of course. You never took formal music lessons, though. You were far too stubborn to learn any other way than on your own. Thinking back on it now, you were glad you didn't take lessons, they probably would've taken all the fun out of music for you. Music was your escape. It was what you looked forward to during school, it was what you dreamed about. You loved writing songs. You loved producing music with all the different types of instruments. Singing, you were objectively mediocre at, and that didn't bother you much because you figured there were already lots of great singers out there. You didn't find singing to be a priority because you found that you liked producing and songwriting more anyhow.

And now here you are. A music producer, songwriter, and otherwise consultant signed with Columbia Records. You loved your role in the music industry. You got to be a major part of songs without totally being the face behind them. Since you didn't sing, you usually worked with other singers and collaborated with them. You liked it better that way. Naturally you were somewhat shy, or some might say timid, at least in front of crowds. You never performed. You never had to. And you much preferred it that way. Stage fright was never something you overcame. So, you spent most of your time in the studio, by yourself or with others collaborating. And outside of the studio, you were at home doing the same thing, just alone.

Just as you were about to pull out another sheet of paper, your phone rang. With a grateful yet dejected sigh, you plucked your phone out of your pocket and answered the call without checking for who it was.

"What," you grumbled, chewing on the end of your ballpoint pen.

"Wow, is that how you speak to your boss, Y/N?" A small chuckle followed the teasing tone.

Your posture straightened as your eyes widened. "Harvey! I am so sorry, I didn't know it was you when I picked up. I've been trying to - "

"Don't worry about it, Y/N," your boss assured, cutting off your sentence. "I was calling to check up on your progress, but judging by the way you answered, I think I've got it."

A heavy sigh escaped your lips. "Yeah," you admitted sheepishly. Silence filled the room as you waited for Harvey to reply and spun in your chair. Sensing that he wasn't going to, you continued, "Nothing is really sticking, I'm not even sure what I'm trying to write about." The words left your lips as a wave of embarrassment and shame washed over you. "I'm really sorry."

Harvey only responded with another laugh. He did laugh quite a bit, you realized, trying to think of a time when your boss had scolded you. He hardly ever did. "Y/N, need I remind you that you set those deadlines for yourself? I was the one that told you to go on a vacation."

You could only nod and let out a hum of agreement. It was true. You were always particularly hard on yourself even when others weren't. Harvey has only ever been supportive and encouraging of you.

"I still stand by that suggestion," Harvey continued. "Take a breather. It's just a block. You've gotten through them before. Columbia Records is in no rush for you to push out any more songs for a while. Do I need to also remind you of the last couple of songs you've produced?"

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