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This is it.

The concert is over and my tingling legs are somehow still supporting my weight as I follow Minho's instructions on how to get backstage.

The security guards are spread throughout the arena, each of them looking around, scanning the room for crazies.

I approach one of them (I chose the least scary-looking one to talk to) and try to act more confident than I really am. I'm about to meet the weird mean ass guy I've been bothering on social media for a while now and I may very well pee my pants.

"Hi," I say, smiling at him and trying not to come off as an idiot. "I have a backstage pass."

I pull the badge from my little crossbody bag and show the man, who stares down at it then pulls his phone out for a second.

"Name?" he asks.

"Catherine," I say. "Or Cat, maybe."

"You're not on the list," he says, not bothering to look up from his phone screen.

That little fucker, I think to myself, realizing what he's done.

"Bald ass," I mumble in annoyance and I would bet money I just saw the security guard's lips tilt upwards into a tiny smile.

"Right this way," he says, satisfied with my answer as he leads me around a couple more security guards and through a plain black door into the backstage area.

Every step I take is one step closer to my man and I couldn't be more excited and nervous at the same time. My knees are weak. My arms are heavy. I'm not wearing a sweater though. And I didn't eat my mom's spaghetti recently. But two out of the four is good enough for me.

All too soon, the man guiding me is knocking on a new door, this time waiting for someone else to come and open it.

When it does open, it's a miracle that I hold my urine in my bladder.

Lee fucking Minho has opened the door and is staring right at me.


"Thanks Jun," I hear his voice say the same time his mouth moves, but my brain is refusing to acknowledge this man is standing in front of me right now.

Jun walks away, presumably back to guard things or whatever.

"I saw you," Minho speaks to me, but I look around to make sure he's actually talking to me.

"I saw you too," I say, my mouth far too dry for my own good.

He lets out a little laugh. "I'd hope so. Are you gonna come in or are you gonna keep being weird?"

"I'm gonna come in, but I can guarantee I'll still be weird," I shrug as I gather the courage to walk up to him. "That's just part of the package."

"I didn't order a package," he quips, smirking at me as I roll my eyes and brush past him, telling myself he doesn't smell that heavenly.

"Oh?" I ask as I walk into an empty dressing room. Clothes and makeup are strewn about, but other than that, it's a ghost town. "We're alone?"

"You really think I trust those morons around you? Or you around them?" he asks, his eyebrows furrowed in confusion. "I absolutely banned them from being anywhere near here."

"You're worried one of them is going to steal me away," I say, turning to face him as I plop down into the nearest chair. "Valid."

Minho sighs, running his hand through his damp, sweaty hair. Without a word, he slowly walks up and stands directly in front of me, his thighs pressing into my knees.

I just stare down at where our legs are touching, though his stare is burning holes into the top of my head as I refuse to look up.

"Cat," he says in a low voice, and my eyes snap up to meet his. Damn.

"That's my name," I say, pursing my lips and biting them so I don't say anything else stupid.

"Hi," he says, and he grins at me - one of those big, genuine smiles that can stop anyone in their tracks.

And the reality of this whole thing hits me. He's here, and I'm here in the same place.

"I'm gonna hug you, I think," I say, nodding to myself as I stand up and close the tiny distance between the two of us. I wrap my arms around him and rest my head just under his chin, his hard chest barely containing his pounding heartbeat that I can hear just as clearly as my own. "Hi, thigh daddy."

"You ruined it," he sighs, but his arms wrap around me as well, his hold tight and warm.

We stand there like this for a few minutes, just listening to shared heartbeats and breaths as the tension slowly slips away.

By the time we pull away, I can already feel comfort within his presence.

I slowly back up until the chair behind me hits against my legs. I sit back down, crossing one leg over the other and openly staring at the perfection in front of me.

"Stop undressing me with your eyes," Minho says, crossing his arms over his chest.

"Do a little twirl for me," I say, grinning when he rolls his eyes in annoyance. "Oh! Speaking of undressing, you really hyped up this meeting and there's nothing going on but a hug? I expected fireworks and a backstage show."

"What do you want, a marriage proposal?" he asks.

"I would've settled for a quickie but that's fun too," I say, shrugging and biting my tongue to keep from laughing as Minho's ears turn red.

"You're insufferable," he says, reaching out and grabbing my hand to pull me up. "Let's go."

"So you do want the quickie," I say, noticing he's not letting my hand go as he leads me out of the dressing room.

"Can you not announce to the entire arena that you're horny??" he asks, his grip on my hand tightening as we bob and weave around the employees. Minho has pulled his phone out of his pocket and is typing something out one-handed while still holding onto me with his other.

I can't even take in the atmosphere of being backstage at a Stray Kids concert. It's like Minho's aura has surrounded me and is demanding all of my attention. The place is packed with people, but I can only focus on him.

"Still not denying it," I manage to say in a singsong voice as Minho puts his phone back into his pocket. He looks around us, and all too suddenly I'm being pulled into an empty, dark corner. Romantic, I guess?

My back is pressed against the cold, concrete wall and I'm nearly nose-to-nose with Minho as he looks down at me, his one hand casually resting on the wall next to my head and the other in his (very tight) pants pocket.

"We're going to my hotel room so I can take a shower, and then we can order some food," he says, his eyes not leaving mine. "No sexual activity of any kind."

I pout. "I have to sit in your hotel room, on your bed, while you're naked and wet in the shower?"

"I'll leave some tissues with you so you can cry about it," he says, pushing himself off the wall and walking away, leaving me no choice but to jog to catch up to him.

He's absorbed in a phone call, probably telling whoever is supposed to be driving us to be ready.

I don't miss the opportunity to lag behind for a hot second so I can stare at his ass.

Who would I be if I didn't?

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