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The drive to the park is eerily silent; Minho and I are seated in the backseat, the driver keeping his eyes on the road and his nose in his own business, thankfully.

There is tension. Minho's hand is resting gently on my thigh, but it's like his fingers are burning holes into my pants straight through to my skin. It feels like it did in the hotel room that night, except that was satiated by a heated make out session. Now, we're just trying to ignore it but that's only making things more and more tense.

I can't think straight.

I swallow hard, pretending this is just me hanging out with my friend.

"Thank you," I hear Minho say and I glance around when I see the car door open and Minho stepping out. I didn't even realize we had stopped and that we were getting out of the car already. I'm struggling.

Minho seems completely the opposite, calm as ever as he holds his hand out to help me get of the car as well.

"We'll only be a few minutes," Minho tells the man as he shuts the car door behind me. "I just wanted to get a bit of fresh air before heading back to the hotel."

The man nods, turning to get back into the driver's seat as the two of us walk towards the park that is illuminated by the streetlights littered around the area.

He grabs my hand, intertwining our fingers as we begin to follow the paved trail that loops around the entirety of the small park. His fingers are cool against my sweaty skin and I wonder how the hell he's not dying of a heat stroke with how hot it is out here.

Or I'm just heated from this building tension.

"You're quiet all of a sudden," Minho says, swinging our arms back and forth between us as we walk.

I make some kind of weird noise with my throat, something between a grunt and a scoff.

"Bless you?" he says, frowning in confusion.

I drop his hand, raking my fingers through my hair before throwing my arms out in frustration. "There is no way in hell you are calm right now."

"It's just a park," he says, raising an eyebrow. "Are you afraid of swings or something?"

I narrow my eyes at him and cross my arms over my chest. "You can't just make a nonchalant comment about showering together and then expect me to be chill and talk about my day. I am barely functioning right now. Walking sounds about as hard as college-level math."

He purses his lips, and I groan in annoyance when I see his shoulders start to shake. He's trying to hold in his laughter, and it fails miserably.

I roll my eyes, sticking my tongue into the side of my cheek as I wait for him to stop laughing.

"You are so bold over texts, but in person you're so shy," he says, still laughing as he puts his hands in his pockets.

"I'm not shy," I argue. "I just can't smile and be a normal human being when you, looking like that, say dirty things to me. Those words coming out of those lips won't compute for me and it makes me forget how to breathe."

"Why?" he asks, stepping closer. His hat and mask are still covering most of his face, but the look in his eyes is more than enough to make me take an involuntary step back from the intensity.

I shrug, determined not to say it.

"Tell me," he says in a softer voice, his hands reaching out for mine.

"I'm horny," I say, shrugging again.

"Well, that one's obvious," he says, rolling his eyes. "There's more though. Right?"

I purse my lips, looking everywhere but at him.

"Cat," he says, swinging our arms again as he steps even closer.

The way he says my name is enough to make me say the damn thing.

"I like you, fine," I say, looking up at the sky and hoping it'll swallow me whole. "I'm a stupid girl with a stupid crush on a gorgeous boy who has the world's juiciest ass and thighs and who makes me laugh with his boring old man texting habits but blows me out of the water with his flirting in person and—"

He pulls his hands away, pulling his mask down to his chin before leaning in to kiss me.

His lips are warm, his hands moving to rest on my cheeks as he lingers against me for a moment before pulling away.

"I do have a nice ass, don't I?" he asks, his lips still ghosting against mine as I roll my eyes.

"Among other things," I say, grabbing his wrists to keep him close. "I'm stupid, right? This is just a game and we flirt because it's fun and we've kissed a few times because—"

He kisses me again, halting my words in my throat. After a second, he pulls away, blinking a few times as he stares at me.

"It's rude to interrupt," I mumble, though I really hope he interrupts every sentence I ever speak to him from now on.

"It's not a game," he says. "This is fun, yes, but it's not a game to me. You make me happy, no matter if you're incessantly flirty or standoffish because I'm a much better flirt in person which throws you off. But I meant everything I've said. You're beautiful. You're one of my favorite people. And I love this, whatever this is."

"Whatever this is," I say, not only echoing what he's just said but also what I've been repeating to myself these past couple of months.

"So I say we can kiss each other, and we can hold hands and we can shower together," he continues, "because whatever this is makes me happy as long as I'm doing these things with you."

Now it's my turn to kiss him as I lean in and press my lips to his. I've never let someone get this close to me before. It's always been one big joke after another for me, and I was so content with that being my life. But I went and sent a stupid chain letter to Minho and now here I am, kissing him in a park and not feeling like I need to push him away and run for the hills.

He pulls away and I put his mask back in place so no one can see his face, though we're completely alone in the park that we barely walked ten steps into.

"That's enough walking, don't you think?" he asks, rubbing the back of his head, slightly shifting his hat as he looks around.

"My grandmother could've walked further on this trail before giving up," I say, laughing.

Minho doesn't reply, so I turn to look at him, and lo and behold, he's staring right at me with that damn intense stare that makes me forget what my legs are supposed to do to keep me from falling over.

"Do you remember when we played truth or dare, and I was supposed to answer three truths?" he asks, breaking the silence.

"Supposed to, but didn't," I grumble.

"And I told you to ask me the last question in person," he says, his gaze burning holes into me.

"Okay," I say, my heartbeat pounding so hard I feel it in my head.

"Ask me," he says, his voice so low I almost don't catch it.

I open my mouth but the stupid thing doesn't work so I just hold my hands out in question, hoping that's good enough. I don't think anything in any known language will come out of me if I try to force it. Never in my life did I ever think a man would affect me this badly, but here I am acting like every cliche girl in a rom-com when the guy makes his moves on her.

I have got to step up. This is pitiful.

His eyes crinkle, and I know he's smiling at me (or maybe smirking).

"I want to show you instead of telling you," he says, holding out his hand. "Let's go."

He doesn't have to tell me twice.

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