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The next morning, I'm up and ready at 9 in the morning. Any other day of my life, I would be grumpy and chugging caffeine just to feel kind of like a functioning human. Today, however, is so different.

I'm spending the entire day (and night) with Minho and that alone has made me feel more energized than I've ever felt this early in the morning.

I don't even have time to feel nervous about spending the day in public with my boyfriend because he's already knocking on the door and I'm moving to open it.

"Look at you," Minho says as he gestures to my outfit. I decided to dress cuter than I did yesterday to remind him I don't always look like an off-brand Fiona the ogre. I'm wearing a white t-shirt that has a turtleneck collar with a yellow plaid dress layered over it. My hair also didn't seem to be angry at me for waking us up this early as it actually cooperated when I curled it. I finished the look with a pair of black mary janes that have a small chunky heel, but even with the added height I'm still shorter than Minho but just tall enough that if I need to headbutt him in the nose, I'm at the perfect angle.

"You look like an average Korean citizen," I say, smiling in approval as I gesture to his own outfit of black tight-fitting jeans and a white v-neck t-shirt. He has his usual disguise of a black baseball cap and black mask and if I didn't know any better, I would think I've just answered the door to a handsome stranger.

"I was actually going for above average, but okay," he shrugs as he peeks over my shoulder into my hotel room. "Is the room okay? I asked them which one was the nicest when I booked it for you."

"I don't need a sugar daddy," I say, rolling my eyes as I grab my little black crossbody bag and my hotel key. "I would've been happy sleeping in the dumpster outside your dorms, honestly."

Minho backs up into the hotel hallway, giving me room to leave my room and lock the door behind me.

"I'm actually glad you said that," he says, sighing as he casually throws his arm around my shoulder and pulls me into him, my hip bumping into his as we walk to the elevator. "I forgot my wallet at home and I'm gonna need you to pay for everything."

I snort in laughter. "With my budget, we would need to dumpster dive behind restaurants and hope the raccoons don't already have dibs on the leftovers."

"Sounds romantic," he says, looking over at me and even though his mouth his hidden behind his mask I just know he's smiling at me the way his eyes are all crinkled up. "I was kidding, by the way, but that's the second time you've brought dumpsters into the conversation today so if you have some weird fetish I'm not aware of, it's probably better to just tell me now."

"Why do you always turn everything into something sexual?" I ask, frowning at him as I press the down button next to the elevator. "You're such a pervert."

Minho presses his hand against his chest as the elevator doors open and we step inside and press the button for the ground floor. Thankfully, we're the only two inside. I'm sure Minho has taken measures to make sure we are going to get privacy and we shouldn't be seen by anyone with their nosy, beady little eyes but it still makes me nervous that there is always a chance that someone could figure it out and then boom - he and I will be plastered all over the internet.

No pressure at all.

"Are you even listening to me?" Minho asks, and I frown again as I turn to look at him in confusion.

"I'll take that as a no," he says, a quiet laugh escaping his lips. "I was saying one of my managers made arrangements at a restaurant for us to go eat. It's private and we shouldn't have any issues with anyone seeing us."

I bite my lip, the anxiousness rising in my chest. "What if someone does see?"

The stipulations of me coming to visit him knock against my brain painfully. We can't be seen together.

He shrugs. "Then they see."

"Minho," I groan, my shoulders sagging. "I don't want to get you in trouble. We can just order food to be delivered here."

I go to push the button to go back to my floor when Minho catches my wrist in his hand.

He turns me so we're nearly chest to chest, and he pulls his mask down to his chin.

His eyes are serious. "We've already gotten a backup plan set in place if we are ever seen together. They don't want us to be seen together, but the world isn't going to end if we are seen. I fully plan to make an announcement when you're comfortable with it that you and I are together."

The wind gets knocked right out of me at that.

"You want to go public?" I ask, my voice doing that stupid squeaky thing. "With me?"

He smiles at me. "If you're okay with it. I have no intentions of continuing to hide you. Of course, the company wants me to wait for a while so they can work things out to make it happen when they want it to, but I'm on board letting the world know about you."

"Lee Know stans are going to find out where I live and steal my skin so they can wear it and be your girlfriend," I say, my fingers running through my hair as Minho's hands move to rest on my cheeks.

"If you don't want to, I won't do it," he says, his fingers rubbing against my skin. "I just don't want you to feel like I'm hiding you or something. I'm proud to be with you, even if you gave me a vivid image of someone wearing your skin."

"Okay," I say, my eyes nearly popping out of my skull when I hear the word come out of my mouth.

I mean, I guess it's okay. I'm sure keeping such a big secret from the world like that is probably nearly impossible for such a worldwide celebrity. I know it will bring a lot of criticism to both of us, but if he's willing to take that risk for me? For us?

"Yeah?" Minho asks, his grin giving away exactly what he's thinking. He really wants to go public with this soon.

"Yeah," I say, more confidently. "Just give me a heads up before the big news drops so I can tell my friends and family. If I let them find out about you through social media, they may skin me alive."

"Stop," Minho groans, rolling his eyes as the elevator dings and the door opens. He rolls his eyes as he pulls his mask back up and turns away, taking my hand and leading me into the lobby.

"Keep rolling your eyes at me and I'll skin you alive," I grumble as he tugs at my hand, nearly dragging me along as we walk outside.

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