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The tension is building in that way that makes me squirm when Minho walks in behind me into my hotel room. I'm not sure how in the world he has this ability to scramble my thoughts and make me feel like I'm sweating in places I've never been sweaty before without touching me or even saying a word, but here we are.

He is acting calm as ever, slipping his shoes off and throwing his stuff aside as he strolls over and plops down onto the couch that's situated in the corner of my absurdly lavish room. I set my stuff down on the table after taking my own shoes off, wincing at the sudden sound cutting the silence and making me realize just how awkwardly quiet I'm being.

He's not even doing anything and my heart is pounding at the mere thought of him in my hotel room.

I finally manage to at least make eye contact with him, and I immediately turn from nervous and mushy to annoyed and frowning.

"Stop laughing at me," I pout, seeing his lips pressed together in a pathetic attempt to stifle the laugh that I can tell is painful for him to keep in.

"I'll never get tired of how nervous you get," he says, grinning at me as I sit down next to him, crossing my arms over my chest.

"I already told you it's because you look like that and knowing you're thinking unholy things about me is a lot," I whine, frowning as I stare ahead of me, refusing to give him the satisfaction of looking at him again.

"I could say the same thing about you," he says, leaning over to try to catch my eye line but I turn my head in a pitiful attempt to keep his gaze off me.

"Why?" I ask, trying to be nonchalant but the stupid squeakiness in my voice gives everything away.

"You're beautiful," he says with the tone of it's the most obvious thing in the world, dumbo.

"Keep going," I say, feigning anger but I know I'm failing miserably because I can feel myself relaxing into him.

"You're a menace to society," he says and my head snaps in his direction, my mouth hanging open as I slap my hands on my thighs for the dramatics.

"I meant shower me with compliments, asshat," I say.

"That is a compliment," he says, his eyebrows raising. "I am also a menace to society - very proudly, I might add - so I feel like we go together well."

"We're meant for each other because we're both annoying and love to spread chaotic energy," I say, nodding sarcastically.

Minho claps his hands together. "Exactly. Match made in heaven."

"And because I'm a, as you word it, menace to society, it makes you just as flustered being around me as I feel around you," I say, mustering up every ounce of sarcastic flair I can manage to make sure he understands the absurdity of it.

He opens his mouth to respond, but then frowns and slowly closes his mouth again.

"Exactly," I say, shaking my head as I relax into the back of the couch.

"You make me nervous with how sexy you are," he says, his voice lower than it was before and it causes shivers to run down my spine.

I choose not to respond, instead pulling my bottom lip between my teeth.

"You make me really nervous," he continues. "I just know how to hide my emotions when I want to. I don't want you to see me all nervous around you, but there you go. It does happen. I get all the stupid shit people talk about in the movies: the butterflies, the sweaty palms, my heart going crazy in my chest, all of that mushy stuff."

"So boyfriend of you," I say, finally cracking a smile as I feel the anxiety slipping away.

"It calmed you down though," he says, gesturing to my more relaxed position on the couch as I roll my eyes and lean forward to give him a chaste kiss.

"I'm just as whipped for my shy, romantic boyfriend as I am my horny, intense one," I say.

"Speaking of," he says, leaning so close to me his lips are almost touching mine. "You promised I would get to do dirty things to you."

Don't be a little bitch and back down now, Catherine.

"I do tend to keep my promises," I say, my eyes on his as he stares at me with that look that instantly ignites my skin.

"Okay," he says, his hand reaching out to rest on my thigh. "Then promise me one more thing."

"I'd promise you my first born if it wasn't already going to be yours," I say, and Minho closes his eyes, his lips pressing into a line as he shakes his head.

After a few seconds (I'm convinced he was trying not to laugh and break the growing tension), he looks at me again, his eyes as intense and demanding as ever. "Promise me that tonight, you'll do everything I say."

My lips tilt upwards into a ghost of a smile. This sounds like it's going to be a fun little game.

I decide to be Minho's bold girlfriend instead of his shy one because I'll be damned if I get into my own head and make this any less exhilarating than it can be. And with this man, I just know if I give him that complete control, I'm in for a wild ride.

I stand up, wasting no time as I straddle him, settling myself on his thighs and wrapping my arms around his neck, my hair falling in between us as I look down at him.

"I promise," I whisper, leaning forward and pressing my lips to his.

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