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It doesn't take long for Minho's gentle kisses to turn into demanding ones, his fingertips gliding from my hips to dig into my lower back as he pulls me closer. My own hands move to his chest, running my fingertips against his exposed skin before landing on the buttons of his shirt.

One by one, achingly slow, I undo them, untucking his shirt in the process as Minho's hard kisses trail to the side of my neck. He pulls his arms away for a second to slide his shirt off, but then he's right back on me as if not touching me was painful for him. I sigh in content feeling the skin of his torso beneath my fingertips, his abdomen muscles tensing when I rake my fingernails across them.

I let my head fall to the side as his tongue darts out to lick against the side of my neck. I bite my lip, eyebrows scrunching in pure bliss as he moves one of his hands to pull one of the straps of my dress down to trail kisses and licks along my shoulder. My own hands move to tangle in his hair, something I find that I do a lot when things start to go in this kind of direction. I can't help it; when he's this close to me, I want to do everything I can to keep his mouth close to me.

"I'm going to take my time with you this time," he whispers as he unzips my dress and I let it fall to the floor beneath us.

I try my best to keep eye contact with him when he pulls away and stares right at me, eyes dark and burning into my own. He steps away from me, taking a second to stare at my lingerie before holding his hand out for me to take.

I put my own shaky hand into his steady one, and I take the lead to show him where my bedroom is, though it's pretty obvious since my apartment is so small. My heart is pounding in my chest when I let my hand fall away, my eyes locked on my bed in front of me. I can feel his presence just behind me, the heat from his skin radiating onto my own and setting my back on fire even though he's not even touching me.

"Do you want this, Catherine?" he asks, his voice soft. "We don't have to."

The sincerity in his voice - knowing he means every word he's ever said to me - is more than enough to convince me to let him in, completely. This isn't like the shower; that was quick, messy and we were both so lost in the moment we had no time to think about the deeper meaning of it all.

This feels like if I say yes, I'm saying yes to so much more.

"I want this," I breathe out, turning to look at him with all the courage I can muster. "I want you."

He smiles down at me, his hair falling forward as he tilts his head down to press his lips against mine again. His hands aren't touching me, and it's making my skin physically ache for him.

"I'm yours, Minho," I say, standing on my tiptoes to wrap my arms around his neck, pressing our chests together.

Minho leans down just enough to get a hold of my thighs, easily lifting me into his arms as he walks us over to my bed. He gently lays me down on top of the blankets, following right behind as he positions himself between my legs. He sits on his knees, looking down at me.

"Every part of your body is going to know how much I care about you," he says, his eyes soft as he just looks at me in a way no one has ever seen me before. He unbuckles his belt, quickly slipping out of his slacks so that we're both in only our underwear. It's so much slower this time, so much more intense that it feels like this is the first time we've done this.

When he leans down to kiss me, I lean up to meet him in the middle, not being able to stand him being away from me anymore. My skin is on fire, my core throbbing knowing that he's so close to me. I've never needed someone like this; he's barely doing anything and I have to bite my tongue to keep from begging him to touch me.

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