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A knock on my apartment door has sent me flying to answer it, almost smacking myself in the face with it when I pull it open.

My friend looks at me with wide eyes for a moment, scanning me from head to toe before sighing and leaning over to put her hands on her knees. "I thought you were dying with how frantic you were on the damn phone, Cat."

"I am frantic, and maybe dying too I haven't decided yet," I say, pulling on her arm to get her inside. "I need your help, Jiwoo."

"I need your help in calming the hell down for a second," she says, pushing her dark hair out of her face and letting out a dramatic breath. "I really thought you had caught your place on fire again or something."

"Okay that was one time," I grumble, rolling my eyes. "I need to speed clean this apartment in like, an hour and I can't do it alone."

"Do I look like I know how to clean an entire apartment that fast?" she asks, eyebrows raised as she gestures to the general area of my living room. "I can barely keep myself clean."

"That's what that smell is," I say, tapping my chin and then laughing when she hits my shoulder.

"Why the urgent cleaning spree? Is your landlord coming?" she asks.

I purse my lips. I know her; I have since we were toddlers. She won't leave this alone until she gets some details.

"I have a boy coming over," I say, trying to mumble it so hopefully she hears wrong.

"A what?" she asks, jaw dropping.

"A guy," I say, throwing my hands out dramatically. "A dude. A man. He's coming over and if he sees this, I'm doomed."

"Firstly, how dare you not tell me you were seeing someone," she exclaims, hitting my shoulder again. "Secondly, as always, you're being dramatic. It's not that bad in here. Thirdly, who is it??"

"You don't know him. He goes to a different school," I say, looking everywhere but at her.

"We're not in school," she says with a sigh. "What's his name?"

"Kevin," I say.

Jiwoo scrunches her nose the second I look at her. "Who's that?"

"The boy dude man I'm meeting here," I whine, clapping my hands together to get her attention back onto the task at hand. "Help me clean please. I'll do anything."

Jiwoo rolls her eyes but then smiles. "Of course I'll help. I'm not washing any dirty dishes and I'm not touching your dirty underwear, though."

I squeal in delight and pull my best friend into the tightest hug. "I owe you one."

"You owe me about twenty, but okay," she says with a laugh as she pulls her hair into a ponytail. "Just the living room and kitchen? Or the bedroom too?"

"You're so nosy," I say, shaking my head as I push her in the direction of the kitchen. "Just wipe things down in there and I'll start cleaning my bathroom."

Which is next to my bedroom that I thankfully cleaned just before calling Jiwoo and realizing this task is too big for me alone. Don't give me that look; I wanted to be prepared for anything. This is the last time Minho and I will see each other for a while and I want to make it memorable.

"This place is not dirty at all," Jiwoo yells at me from the kitchen as I frantically scrub my toilet. "Is this guy a neat freak or something?"

The thought of Minho walking into my apartment in the first place is intimidating enough. It's making me feel like I need to make this place look perfect for him. I will admit I keep the place fairly clean, but the thought of Minho sitting on my couch in my apartment in an hour is making me feel the need to scrub my walls and go out and buy all new dishes that aren't mismatched and plastic.

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