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Tw- mentions of sexual assult and physical abuse.

I enter the library, a little later than usual this time. May or may not be because I'm a little high.

I put my bag down on the chair at one of the tables, then I walk over to Clay and begin to put books away.

"Nice to see you," he says softly, "new cologne?"

I giggle sarcastically "Hmmm funny"

It's silent for a few moments, then Clay decides to make it awkward.

"Listen, we're sorry about yesterday I don't know if Punz already—"

"It's fine," I say, "punz knows not to push certain buttons like that. But I forgive and forget sometimes"

"I just wasn't sure if you were mad at me.. I didn't want to get off on the wrong foot or anything" he says quietly.

"We didn't get off on the wrong foot clay, trust me. If I were mad at you I wouldn't be here. Trust me." I sigh, "How many books did you put away already?"

He shrugs, "wasn't counting or anything"

"Well, you're supposed to" I smile.

"Wait— what? I am?" His face turns into a worried and shocked expression.

I giggle, "No.. well I mean if you want to count you can. But no"

"Dick," he says jokingly.

"My name's George, thanks," I say.

"So you like books I'm guessing?" Clay asks.

"Uh yeah, I read a lot"

"Like what?"

I shrug, "Uh mostly just fantasy and romance. I can't do nonfiction or biographies. What about you?"

"Basically the same. Poetry too" he says.

"Ohh got ourselves a poet" I smile.

"Write them too," he says with a grin.

"Well maybe you'll have to write me one," I smile.

"Maybe I will," he says.

"Have you met people other than us?" I ask, "Like around the school.."

"Uhh I mean other than Leo and his group, Audrey and her friends... oh! Tommy and Wilbur"

I nod, "Yeah Tommy and will hangout with us sometimes. They're pretty nice"

"Tommy's loud but he's funny," Clay says.

"Yeah, but he tells jokes like he's thirteen," I say.

"Couldn't be more true." Clay laughs.

I look out the window, the rain falling and hitting the glass.

If you look close enough you can see students running towards buildings, trying to get to shelter.

"You ready for the party on Friday?" He asks.

"I'm not sure if I'm even going..." I say quietly, "I just have a gut feeling something is going to happen at the party. Usually, gut feelings are right"

"True, but I still think you should come. I mean it'll be fun" Clay smiles.

"What? you've been to parties?" I ask.

He scoffs, "George I'm an eighteen-year-old high-school student, who hasn't been to a party?"

I hum, "true.."

"Been there, done that. I may be nice but that doesn't mean I don't know how to have a good time," he smirks.

"Ew— that sounds so bad," I say with a laugh.

Rain Fall / dnfWhere stories live. Discover now