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Tw: mentions of vomitting

I gave him a new pair of clothes after we cleaned up and had a shower.

Now we're sat on my bed, George curled up in my lap with his head on my chest.

I have my hand in his hair as he sleeps on me.

The room light is off, the only thing giving it light is the lamp on my nightstand.

I look down at George.

I care for him so much. More than he'd ever know.

I know him and Devon like each other. But I also know that George is trying to figure himself out a bit.

And if I'm part of helping him do that I'm fine with it. Whoever he chooses is what he decides. I just want him to know I care about him.

Even if in the end he's never mine, that's okay with me. As long as he's happy that's okay.

The door opens and Sapnap slips inside, shutting the door quietly behind him.

He turns around and jumps a bit when he sees me awake.

"Why are you—" he looks at me confused, before looking at George.

He looks around the room sniffing, then look towards the bathroom and then the clothes on the floor.

"Ewwww" he groans.

"Shhh," I say, "he's sleeping you dick"

"Sorry" he smirks, "but I'll have you know that kid sleeps and will never wake up until you practically jump on him"

"Thanks, sap?..." I say.

He walks over to his side of the room and sits on his bed.

"Where were you?" I ask.

"With punz and finn playing Val," he says.

"How is punz? Is he doing alright?"

He nods, "Yeah he told me what happened. He was drunk and ran into Leo along with Wilbur."

"George was pretty upset," I say quietly, "he'll be alright though"

I run my fingers through his hair as his face deepens into my chest.

"So... is it good?" He asks.

I glare at him before looking back down at George.

"He's a bottom though right?" He asks.

"Sap," I say harshly.

"Okay okay—" he chuckles.

"Yes, he is," I say quickly.

"Haha- of course he is" Sapnap smirks, "well I'm going back over to Finn's"

He gets up and walks back to the door.

"Have fun" I say.

"Yeah.." he puts his shoes back on and looks at me before heading back out, "Clay can you promise me something?"

I look at him and nod.

"Don't hurt him... he's been through a lot" Sapnap swallows, "he's like my little brother okay?"

I nod quickly, "I promise. I would never hurt him, even if I was forced to"

He smiles weakly before shutting the door softly behind him.

I wrap my loose arm around George's back as I hold him close to my body.

I would never hurt him. Even if he told me himself too.

Rain Fall / dnfWhere stories live. Discover now