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Tw: swearing. Lots of swearing and yelling, also abuse?

The door flies open and Clay and I look up to see Sapnap standing there.

"What the fuck!" Clay yells, "We're sleeping you asshole!"

He grabs a pillow and chucks it at Sapnap who dodges the pillow that's now in the hallway.

"Suck my dick hoe!— cuddleeeeessss," he says as he jumps onto the bed and cuddles up to me.

"What the hell—" I say as Sapnap wraps his arm around me.

"Sapnap get the fuck out—" Clay huffs, pulling me closer to him.

"What the—" Finn comes to the door before jumping on the bed next to Clay.

"I think this is the gayest thing I have ever experienced," I say as I yawn.

"Even gayer than cuddling the homies?" Sapnap asks.

"Sapnap where are your socks?" Finn asks as he looks over to Sapnaps feet.

"The fuck!? Why are you looking at my feet!?" Sapnap yells, "And I do have socks on but currently they're up your ass."

"More like Karl's ass?" Clay says.

"Oh, what the fuck!" Finn hops off the bed, "Emma! Come make out with me these fucking homosexual men—"

His voice dies out as he goes further down the hallways.

"Okay well, it's been fun you two!" Sapnap jumps up from the bed and quickly hurries out of my room and closes the door.

Clay groans and checks the time on his phone on the bedside table.

"Fuck— what time is the wedding at?" He asks.

"8," I say, "we're okay going to the after party."

"Huh? Why?" He asks curiously.

"Because I can't see my parents for that long. Also because they didn't have enough seats for everyone." I shrug, "no big deal."

"You sure?" He asks, "I know you came here for their wedding.."

I go quiet before looking up at him from his shoulder, "I didn't. I know that might sound a bit selfish of me... but I really only came here to see my siblings.."

Clay sighs softly and his hand slips under my shirt on my back, "It's not selfish. I understand completely."

I smile at him, "Question— what are you doing for the Christmas break?"

He thinks for a moment, "That's like— on the 22nd right?"

I nod, "yeah it is."

"Probably go and visit my family. It's an hour's drive from the school and plus I miss my siblings.." he pauses, "Come with me."

I furrow my eyebrows, "like— meet your family?"

He nods and smiles lightly at me, "Yeah, I mean I am meeting all of your family tonight sooo..."

"True." I mumble, "Sure I'll come."

He smiles, "Thank you gorgeous. My dad won't be there so it'll be fine."

I place a gentle kiss on his jawline, "No problem clay."

"Clay! We're hungry!" Punz shouts from downstairs.

Clay groans as he holds me tighter, "fucking feed yourselves."

"Come on," I say, "get up clay."

We get up, slipping on pants so we're both not in our boxers.

Rain Fall / dnfWhere stories live. Discover now