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George's pov

Three days later.

We said goodbye to Italy. Said goodbye to my friends Tara and Jack. Everyone exchanged numbers with them.

We're now back in Florida. Unpacking, and getting settled back in before the Christmas break in two days.

I'm sitting on my bed, scrolling through Twitter before seeing a tweet.

@ dreamwasktaken.

Hey everyone, I just got back from vacation with my friends, posting pictures after this tweet. Yes, that was me in the video. Yes, me and the guy are dating. Yes, that guy is Ray, or now George. No, I won't be answering any other questions until further notice. Face reveal ig? :)

User21- fuck you u fag

User4- we support you!!!

User8- George looks very pretty.

User11- fucking queers.

I scroll past and look at his other tweets.

Pictures of us in the pool, all of us playing volleyball, drinking, making breakfast, one of me and Clay sitting on a chair and my head in his neck so you can't see my face.

I smile and look up to see the bathroom door opening, Punz's hair is wet and he's smiling at his phone while drying his hair with a towel.

"Who's got you smiling like that Punz?" I ask with a smirk.

He rolls his eyes, "if you must know... Tara."

I smile softly, "knew it. So what are you guys talking? Dating? Hookup?"

"Well—" he takes a deep breath, "she did say I could tell you— we hooked up one night... and then she asked me out because she knew I was scared.."


He looks at me, an eyebrow raised in question, "What?"

"Clay, Karl, and I made a bet on you two." I smile, "I knew Tara was going to ask you! But Karl also won because you guys fucked before we left."

Punz smiles, "You weird ass motherfuckers."

I put on a sweater, pulling it over my head and fixing the sleeves.

"Uhm.. is Clay okay? A lot of the guys in the team are worried about him." He says as he tosses a shirt into the hamper.

"What do you mean?" I ask as I crisscross my legs on my bed.

"I—" Punz sighs, "he takes breaks and gets dizzy more often... we offer him food and water but he just declines... says he's full from breakfast."

He doesn't eat breakfast.

I furrow my eyebrows, "has he said anything to you guys?"

"Well—" Punz pauses, "not exactly."

"What do you mean not exactly—"

"Just look out for him..." Punz interrupts me, "Pay attention to him, please. We're worried and you're the only one he'll listen to"

My phone dings, it's Clay messaging me and telling me to come over. I reply with okay.

"I'm gonna go to Clays I'll be back," I say as I stand up and put a sweater on.

Rain Fall / dnfWhere stories live. Discover now