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Clays pov.

I wake up in the middle of the night, hearing him cry next to me as he pleads.

I sit up as George clutches his sweater and breathes heavily. Tears running down his face.

"Baby—" I put a hand on his shoulder, surprisingly he doesn't flinch or yell at me.

"C-Clay." He cries, moving closer to me.

"Hey-hey," I say calmly as I move him, his back pressing to my chest as I hold him between my legs. "You're okay honey I'm right here."

He brings my hand to his lap as he holds them tightly, sobbing and leaning back into me.

"You're okay George.." I rest my chin on his head, his soft curls touching my face, "I've got you honey... calm down."

I slowly move back and forth, humming a soft tune quietly as he calms down.

His cries turn into sniffles and soon enough the room goes silent. The only thing being heard is my humming and the small taps from the rain on the window.

"You're okay." I say, "Nightmare?"

He nods, "I'm sorry— I woke you up."

"Don't be George." I whisper, "Wake me up anytime love..."

"I-I dreamt of him. Of my dad. I had to fly back to London to be there." He says, "I was told I could never see you again."

"Oh honey— that won't happen I can promise you that"

He leans into me and cuddles himself into my chest, "I-I've been lying to you."

I furrow my eyebrows, "what do you mean lying?" I ask.

"When I went back to my dorm before the game. I-I was opening my door and then Leo came by. He—he started—"

I can hear his voice breaking as he clutches to my arm, "Devon helped me.. threw him off and helped me calm down a bit..."

"He touched you?" I ask, lifting George off of me and turning him to face me, "What do you mean he touched you— why wouldn't you tell me?"

"I-I'm sorry don't be mad.." his lower lip quivers as tears pool back into his eyes, "I just didn't- want to say anything."

My face softens and I place my hand on his cheek, "George honey I'm not mad... I'm just alive little upset you didn't tell me sooner."

He looks down, and I bring my hand to his chin and lift his face up to mine quickly.

I kiss him gently and look down at him, "I love you. I would never be mad at you for something like that."

He gives me a soft and sweet smile, "I love you too.."

We lay back down, and I wrap my left arm around his body and pull him closer to my chest.

I kiss the top of his head, "Go back to sleep, baby.."

He rests his head on my chest and clutches onto my waist.

I feel so bad for him. The pain and suffering he has gone through his entire life..

I just want to make him happy and let him know that he is loved and cared for. It's unfair to let someone be unloved.

he deserves the world and he needs to know that.


We all sit at the tree as Derek passes around presents.

I'm sat between Clay's legs and my back lying against his chest.

Kennedy passed me a small box, "this one says to George from Clay."

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