CH. 16: Work Out

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Lia's POV

I had a quiet day to myself after Chaeryeong left... well quiet as I could have with her blowing up my phone. I refused to text her back or answer her calls just to annoy the heck out of her. She did give up eventually, hopefully, she found something or someone else to occupy her mind that was not me.

I was bored now though. I decided to go to the gym for a work out since I have not been in two weeks which is not like me. I'm usually there three times a week but the last couple of weeks I could not be bothered.

Today I was feeling overly energetic and up for another kind of work out. Then after that, coffee sounds good, a coffee from the small café just a couple of doors down that I loved going to. I moved my ass off the sofa, getting changed into my work out clothes before grabbing my things and heading out.

I decided to drive cause it was on the other side of town. It was too far of a walk from my apartment, especially after a workout...the car is a safer option.

I put my radio on, singing along to myself as I drove. It was the only time I sing when I am alone. No one needs to hear me singing. I pulled up outside the gym into time, grabbing a smoothie on the way in.

"I thought you had forgotten about us Lia." Eunbi one of the personal trainers that worked there said "I know, I am terrible sorry. Just don't had the motivation." I laughed "Well, then you better make it an extra hard work out today." She giggled "I will try my best," I replied giggling too I handed her my gym card, letting her check me in before headed to the lockers putting my bag away.

I headed out to get my work out started. The place was not too busy, the way I liked it. I decide to start off on the treadmill I would do ten minutes on there before moving. I am not gonna lie the work out was hurting a little, not only cause I have not had one in a while but also from what happened between Chaeryeong and I.

I was slightly sore as we got a little rough. I decided to ignore the pain, push through it and get good work out. "Mmm baby I would know that ass anywhere." I hear a growl behind me "And I would recognize that pervy arrogant voice anywhere" I replied back refusing to look behind me

How can this even be? Out of all the gyms, Chaeryeong comes to this one, really? "you are meant to be working out not being a perv now either take a matt and exercise or piss off." I said refusing to look at her. She chuckled, taking the matt next to me but not doing anything just sitting there looking beautiful handsome.

Why is she even here if she is not planning on working out? I could feel her watching me as I did my exercises, showing her some more of my flexibility. Some of which she saw last night. I may as well tease her a little just for fun. I can hear her grunt and groan slightly next to me. Her breathing a little heavier than it needed it to be.

I smirked to myself, loving that I was getting to her this much. She is not the only one that can play games. "Lia how about we get out of here and have our own workout, something a little hotter and more fun, just you and l?" she reached into my ear whispering "Nope! Will need to pass on that offer." I said shrugging "Come on Lia, You know you wanna." She encouraged stroking my arm softly with her fingertips.

I felt the Goosebumps appear on my arms, making me shiver and let out a small moan. No... not happening I am not giving into her again. No chance in hell. She will not have that power over me. I could play this a different way though, a way I know that I will freak her out and make her run a mile. "I will make you a deal. You take me on a date then we will see?" I said turning to look at her smirking I knew she would say no. She does not do dates. As I said it will make her run a mile.

"Deal. Just say when and where, baby." She said smugly "What?" I asked shocked "You do not do dates." I added Chaeryeong chuckled loudly with my reaction. "Ha that's why you asked, wasn't it? You were expecting me to say run a mile weren't you?" she said smugly

"I don't know what you are talking about. I am only messing. No chance in hell I would go on an actual date with you. A drink the other night was one thing, an actual date? I don't think so." I laughed She went to say something but I never gave her a chance.

Instead, I stood up walking away from her, I decided to change my workout short and head to the lockers which were female-only, meaning she cannot come in. I grabbed my things from the lockers getting myself organized to leave cause no point in showering since I never did much. "Ladies please cover-up." I heard a voice say I looked around but I was the only one in here. Is she actually coming in here right now? I am sure that is against the rules and not allowed.

She walked straight in, looking around and seeing no one was there. "Did you really think I wouldn't come in here after you?" she laughed "Yes cause this is the woman's locker, you are not allowed in here you creep," I said annoyed "I own part of the place baby, can I do what I please." She winked she made her way over to me standing in front of me with that stupid smug look on her face again. She reached her hand out stroking my cheek with the pad of her thumb.

"Come on let me take you on a date. I know that's what you really want." She said confidently her hand moving to my hip using it to pull my body in against her very hard body.

I whimpered loudly and that desire for her took over again.

That desire that makes me do stupid things like kiss her and before I knew what I was doing I grabbed her turning us around and pushing her against the locker and kissing her roughly.

Oh my, here we go again.

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