CH. 32: Real Date Pt.2

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Lia's POV

Chaeryeong and I were walking around town eating ice cream. Dinner went well, better than I think both of us thought it would be. It still felt a little weird that we were on an actual date.

I was enjoying myself all the same. Though one thing that was on my mind was the question she asked me when we were eating dinner. Are you ready to date? I think there was more to that question that she was letting on.

"Hey, can we sit and talk for a moment?" She asked suddenly "Yeah of course, everything alright?" I said

She never answered, instead she walked away, sitting down on a bench. I followed her, a little confused, sitting down next to her. I turned around, face her and she looked at me. She seemed nervous, she never seemed like herself.

"About what I said in the restaurant." She started "What part?" I asked "The ready to date part." She said I knew there was more to it than she said. I put my full attention on her, nodding for her to continue. I wanted to know where she was going with this.

She cleared her throat, sitting up straight from her slight slummed over position, running her hands through her hair before eventually looking me in the eye. I watch her lips part then close again. I could see she was trying to work out how to put exactly what she wanted to say to me.

I was not used to seeing her like this I was used to her being cocky and confident all the time, she must be serious. "I was asking if you were ready to date again because I was wondering if maybe we could try the full dating thing? I know I said I don't do that but I have been enjoying hanging out with you even with us arguing half of the time." She said laughing at the last part "It turns out I actually like you Lia which is uncommon for me as you know." She added.

Even though I had a feeling that is what she meant when she mentioned it earlier. It still took me by surprise though especially from her. "You wanna try us dating?" I asked, double-checking in case I was getting the wrong end of the stick "Yes, Lia that is what I meant." She laughed "If you don't wanna or not ready that's fine I don't mind if you just wanna keep doing what we have been doing until you are ready." She added. As much as I was enjoying my time with her. The idea of us properly dating was appealing to me I was not sure if I was ready for all that quite yet.

Yes, it has been months since my break up but we were together a long time. It still hurt sometimes. I had to think the best way to put it because I never wanted her thinking I don't wanna. I don't want her thinking I only want her for sex cause that is not the case. The last couple of days with her seeing the different side of her had made me like her too. She was not the way what she likes to make everyone think. She has a sweet side, a dorky side and is hilarious too.

"Chaeryeong I don't think I'm ready to properly date, not right now. But before you get the wrong idea it isn't cause of you. It isn't cause I only want sex between us. It isn't because I don't like you OK? I'm just not ready. I'm willing to hang out, see how it labels? If you don't want that, I will understand that cause I know that couldn't be easy for you telling me that." I said '' I can do that." She smiled "You do know though it won't take long for you to fall for me right?" she said with a chuckle, she was only messing with me. "Yeah, yeah if you insist Cocky Chaeryeong." I laughed

"That's the plan then? See how it goes with time?" I added "Sounds good. We can still have sex right?" she laughed That is more like the Chaeryeong I have come to know

I giggled, shaking my head at her, getting to feet and continued walking down the street, laughing to myself. She was quick to catch up for me, wrapping her arm around my shoulder. I could feel her looking down at me, waiting for an answer to her question. "Yes, Chaeryeong we can still have sex." I laughed shaking my head "Yes!" she said fist pumping Well, she is easily excited, isn't she? I couldn't help but shake my head again at her. I could get her excitement though, we did have amazing sex together. I will happily keep doing that with her.

"Wanna head back to mine? Watch a movie or something?" I asked

We both had work tomorrow. I never wanted too late of a night. She has work tomorrow while her dad is away for a couple of days. So she would be my boss for the next couple of days.

Hmm, I could have some fun with that. "Yeah, sure thing I'm gonna crash at yours too, if that's alright? Can't be bothered going home." She said

This seemed to be another frequent thing, us spending the night together like actually sleeping. Yes, we had sex too but I mean more about the sleeping next to each other thing. "Yeah, that is fine. Well, you wanna stop by yours, get what you need for work tomorrow?" I suggested. At least that way we wouldn't have to get up too early before work to go to her. Chaeryeong agreed with my suggestion. She wrapped her arm around my waist, leading us back to her car.

We stopped by her place, getting what she needed before heading to mine. It was sort of nice having someone to share my bed with at night. I missed that the most about a relationship.

When we arrived, we both got into our bedclothes, Chaeryeong picking a movie while I made us some tea before we settled down on the sofa. She was sitting up and I was laying down, my head on her lap. She suggested to me when I couldn't get comfortable and I agreed with it.

She was playing with my hair. I was not sure if she realized she was doing it but I let her too, not wanting to say anything plus it felt good. It was comforting to me. "Are you sure I'm not hurting your legs?" I asked looking up at her "No you're not, it is fine Lia." She laughed "OK. I think we should head to bed soon, it is getting late." I said looking at the clock

"I have to agree with you on that, I'm pretty tired tonight." She said yawning "Maybe we should head to the bed now? Have a little fun before we go to sleep." I winked "Yes, yes let's go right now." She smirked

I knew that would motivate her to come to bed I pulled my head from her lap, sitting up and putting the T.V off, giving her a hand up from the sofa. I lead her through to my bedroom.

As soon as we entered, she lifted me from the ground, carrying me over to my bed and throwing me down on top of it. All the time I was giggling and squealing. Someone was eager.

I was ready for her too I was OK with doing this until I am ready for more, which I am hoping it does not take too long.

Seduced by Miss Arrogant Millionaire [ChaerLia]Where stories live. Discover now