CH. 26: The Plan

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Lia's POV

I was heading into the bar where me and my girls...Yuna and Yeji were meeting Chaeryeong and her friends. I was not going to see her.

I was going to let loose and get her back for what she did to me at the work event.

Yeah, yeah sounds childish but it is about time someone gives her the taste of her own medicine.

That plan gets put into action with a little help from my two best friends. I had my sexiest little black dress on that I owned with my silver killer heels.

"Ready?" Yeji smirked "Yup. Revenge is a bitch." I giggled If it would work or not that is a different story cause we know she is not short of offers from women.

I looked around, seeing Chaeryeong with three sitting at a table, drinking and laughing. I was half expecting them to be surrounded by sluts, I was surprised to see them alone.

The three of us headed over. "Hey," I said Chaeryeong's eyes soon looking up. As soon as her eyes fell on me her tongue automatically ran along her bottom. Her eyes going wide and dark. Her hands gripping onto the seat she was currently sitting on. The friends she was sitting with soon eyeing the three of us up. I wonder if her friends were the same as her. I am sure we will find out as the night goes on.

"Hey." Chaeryeong finally said standing up from her seat coming over to me, reaching in and kissing my cheek. What the fuck? A kiss on the cheek? What is she up to? It doesn't seem the cheek kissing type if you ask me.

She pulled away, smiling at me and I smiled back at her. "Let me introduce you, ladies." She smiled

"Guys this is Lia, Yeji and Yuna...girls Winter, Ryujin and Giselle. Ladies Ryujin and Giselle are single. Winter is married with kids, just to get you all updated in case you all what a little fun." she smirked.

Married? Wow! Never thought she would have married friends cause surely if she is married she will not agree with the way Chaeryeong goes on with women. Or maybe she's a married girl that cheats, that wouldn't surprise me, to be honest.

The three of us said our hellos, Yeji and Yuna taking a seat between the others, leaving Chaeryeong and I standing there. She stepped into me, placing a hand on my hip and reached into my ear. "Damn baby could that dress get anymore tighter...anymore sexier?" she hissed "Probably," I said removing her hands from my hip, stepping away from her and sitting down at the table.

She let out a soft chuckle, sensing I was still a little pissed at her. "Can I get you all a drink, ladies?" she said flashing her charming smile at us all "Yes please, white wine," I said, my friends, wanting the same.

She headed off to the bar, my friends preoccupied with Chaeryeong's friends. Well except Winter, she was shaking her head and laughing, clearly used to their behaviour.

"You alright there Winter?" I asked "Yeah fine. I don't know how they can keep doing the same things day in day out. They should be trying to settle down. The way they use women...the way women use them, it's ridiculous in my opinion so make sure you don't let Chaeryeong mess you around Lia." she said.

Maybe she wasn't like her friends, after all. She seemed a nice girl. A respectful one.

"They will settle down when they are ready I guess. I don't get it either I am not usually one for this kind of thing until Chaeryeong to be honest. Before, I was the same for six years until my ex cheated, lied and broke my heart. Trust me I do not plan on letting her mess with me. I can handle myself and I'm not as weak to her as those other women." I said.

"I am sorry to hear that. hate when people cheat and lie to the people they are meant to love. Good, make sure you keep it that way." She said laughing at the last part

"You and me both. How long have you been married?" I asked "Eight years married, been together ten. We have two kids Arin who is six...Mingyu who is four." She smiled proudly

"Aww that's sweet, that's what I want...marriage and kids," I said "And you will find it, Lia, just as long as you don't let Chaeryeong mess with your head too much. Yes, she is my best friend. I love her but even I know she can be a complete douche. Though, one thing she isn't as heartless and hard as she makes out." Winter said I never had a chance to reply cause we saw Chaeryeong coming back over.

"Ladies your drinks." She smiled, setting the glasses down, pouring us all a glass

We thanked her with a smile. I grabbed my glass taking a large drink. I would need it to deal with her for the rest of the night. She took the free seat next to me, her hand brushing against my thigh as she did.

I knew she was trying to get my attention, she never got it. I continued my conversation with Winter, drinking my wine. I liked Winter. She was a nice girl shame Chaeryeong couldn't take some tips from her.

I could see Chaeryeong glaring at us as we chatted. She was annoyed that I was ignoring her. What did she expect? For everything to be alright all of a sudden? "Well, guys better get home. I will see you all soon. Ladies, it was nice to meet you." Winter said, "And Lia remember what I said." She added laughing "I will don't worry. It was nice meeting you." I said smiling at her.

Everyone said goodbye to her. Leaving me with Chaeryeong since my friends were occupied flirting with her friends. I turned to face her, giving her my most innocent smile. "What the hell was that all about? You after a married girl now?" she snapped at me

She did not just say that to me? "Excuse me? How dare you? I'm not you. I don't do things like that. It's called being friendly. What gives you the right to even say that to me you prick?" I hissed back at her.

If this is her making it up to me after what she did, she is going the wrong way about it. I can't believe she would even suggest something like that. "Sorry. I shouldn't have said that Lia." She said her voice calm, rubbing the back of her neck.

"No, you shouldn't have," I said shaking my head at her. I stood up, grabbing my bag and walking away. headed down to the bar, needing something stronger than wine. I was beyond angry that she would even say something like that. I have respect for people unlike her.

I ordered myself two shots of tequila and a Scotch. I took a seat at the bar, deciding to stay down here to finish my drink cause I think if I go back up there now I will end up slapping her if she says the wrong thing to me. It made me wanna piss her off even...get her back for what she did even more. I know it seems immature but she has got to me, probably more than she should.

I took my shots, finishing my Scotch before decided to make back over. "I think we should go clubbing. I want to dance," I said giving my hips a little shake "Were you not mad five minutes ago?" Chaeryeong asked "Yes, at you...not them," I said rolling my eyes at her "Yes let's go dancing," Yuna said excitedly.

Everyone finished off their drinks, grabbing our things and headed out. The club close by thankfully not Chaeryeongs though. There were too many memories from what happened the last time I was in her club.

She appeared at my side, her arm snaking around my waist. I am not gonna deny it, my entire body shivered when she did that. "Come on Lia, please stop being mad at me?" She whispered I looked up at her, Chaeryeong pouting and giving me her best puppy dog eyes, "Fine! Annoy me one last time I swear I will punch you." I giggled "Thank You. I will try my best. Will you give me a dance later?" she asked smirking "Maybe, we'll see if anyone else steals my attention first." I winked, pulling away and walked away to catch up my friends.

I don't care that she is now playing nice, my plan is still gonna be put into action.

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